Ok using our first standard photo. I´m blogging from beneath Buda palace in hungary and there is no usb connector. Yes that is right beneath Buda palace. We have just been into Buda castle labarynth and are now using their free computers.
Since we last blogged we have survived 21 hours of coach and train travel from Dubrovnik to Budapest. It was a pity to leave since the weather was amazing and the sights awe inspiring. However after an awful night on a coach and a 7 hour train ride we are now in our next arty hostel.
The train spent an hour going down the side of lake balaton which looks amazing so we maybe diverting from the plan again soon.
Budapest is very nice although we have ony seen above and below Buda hill so far.
I hope everyone is well speak again soon
Mr P
ps i rate hungarian beer above croatian.
- comments
Mum R This message is from nanna and dardar..I've just shown them your blog and photos. Nanna and Dardar say..It sounds like a fabulous holiday!! What an adventure. We are looking forward to the continuation of the saga x stay safe. Have fun x
Dad P Still following you exploits. We are now at our first hotel with a bottle of wine in front of us. Should we start our own blog?
Steve Taylor Rumour has it that it is easy to get pest on Hungarian beer