We are in the gearing up mode now. Selling off furniture on craigslist, to family and friends. We even sold our accountant a bunch of office pieces, as he will be re-decorating after the tax rush ends. Boxing books and china, loading up the garage with the stuff we are storing. Found a place for Duke, one of the cats, to live while we are away. He has been an indoor cat, but will be living in the Mt. Jackson area, hope he survives the wilds and his caretaker can survive Duke's anxiety. It will be tough on all concerned with the new arrangements. Undecided upon Ella, the other cat, take her or find temporary housing. She requires more work than Duke with her pills and nasal drops. And then there is Turtle, afraid someone may want him only for the 50 gal. aquarium and just dump Turtle in a lake or worse, a toilet.
We bought our airline tickets on Wednesday, that makes the journey more real. Officially leaving in a few weeks and heading overseas. The big storm 'Nemo' does give pause to travel plans....what if a blizzard or other forms of nature rage on our day of departure? Should have paid the extra for insurance.
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