The amazing forestier de Cardeillac covers and area of over 1000 hectares and covers a number of local communities. It is natural forest mantained in a natural way and cared for very well..
There are planned walks and routes through the forest, but haven't managed to complete one without getting lost. In my defence the signs are quire difficult to read of you dont have a key, but the fact that I have no sense of direction probably doesnt help matters !!!!! : )
Anyhoo, is completely gorgeous so do check out the photo album for this !!
Have updaed the album with some more photos... I feel like I'm actually seeing nature for the first time - and loving it!!
It even looks amazing through a camera lense but can never quite capture the feel of a place .... : ) x
- comments
Mel Hi Jan, sounds like you're having a great time. This is the first time I've been invited to see your blog, so I've a lot of catching up to do! Please don't get lost in the woods! How's the duck?