Today we decided to do very little driving. We headed into Old Mesilla (which is pronounced ma-see-ya, not Ma-sill-a as the girl at the RV Park counter so kindly pointed out). Mesilla was incorporated in 1848 andthere are a few building still standing from those days which is pretty cool especially since they are made of sand, clay and water. The courthouse where Billy the kid was tried, convicted and sentenced to hang is now a Billy the kid gift shop. We had lunch at a little café and sat outside on the patio in our shorts and t-shirts. We noticed that all of the locals were bundled up in sweaters and jackets. I guess warmth is relative… After a good lunch we toured around a little bit…That is what I say when I get lost…"just touring around a little bit…trying to see some of the areas that most people don't get to see…" After this, we picked up some food for dinner and drove about an hour down the road to Deming NM. We settled down at the Hidden Valley Ranch RV Park and had a relaxing evening. All in all it was a nice quiet, relaxing and enjoyable day. Tomorrow we are going to tour some ghost towns on our way to Tucson. I think!
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