Hi Everyone,
We have now arrived in Peru. Only spent afternoon in Puno before going on 2 day tour around Lake Titicaca, an absolutley massive lake, seems like the sea.
First stop was the Isle de Flotas, which are small artificial islands made from reeds which the Uros people live on. Everything from the island to their houses are made from these reeds its crazy.
After about another 3 hours we arived a Island Amantana where we were to spend the night. Everyone got divided up as we spent our time on the island with a local family. Our family consisted of Lucmaria who looked after us and her parents. After we had had lunch that they prepared we walked around the island and up to the top were Matt purchased yet another 2 hats, he is building up quite a collection now. Lucmaria collected us again for our dinner, were Louise spied guinea pigs in the kitchen and was petrified that would be what we got for our dinner, luckily they wouldnt waste such a thing on us tourists. before dressing us up in their local costume for a party. Honestly we dont know how they wear this stuff all the time. Louise had on 2 skirts, a blouse, a belt and a head dress, they do it up so tight, felt like wearing a corset and Matt looked very sexy in what can only be described as a big blanket wih a hat, was very funny though when Lucmaria told him he had a big head and had to go through her whole collection of hats to find one that would fit him!!! Everyone from the boat was there and we spent the night dancing all their traditional dances. Was exhausted by the end! No electric on the island so finding our way back in the dark was interesting, i think Lucmaria had some sort of radar.
Next morning we headed back to the boat and to another island, Taqulile, which was the longest hour in our lives the water was so rough eally thought we would be sick so glad to get off. Again we walked up and around the island, lots of great views. Lots of kids hanging around asking if you want a photo in return for money , they learn very young here. After lunch headed back to Puno on the mainland, takes at least 3 hours. If the people living on these islands need anything that cant be grown they have to make that trip, madnesss! 6 hour roundtrip at least.
That evening we went out to dinner with 2 kiwi girls and 2 aussie girls, Matt has never felt so popular!!! Tried alpaca, which now feel really guilty about as they are so cute!
Nxt stop Arequipa.
Keep u updated
Take care
Tatey and lou xxx
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