Hi Everyone!!
Hope you are all well.
Cant believe we have only be away for 2 weeks, seems like we have been away forever.
Since our last update we went into the Pantanal for 4 days. It was amazing. We were at a camp in the middle of nowhere and used that as a base for trips into the Pantanal which are an area of wetlands. We went trekking where we saw loads of howler monkeys, capyhara (largest rodent in the world), anteaters, a rodent type animal and tons and tons of birds. On the trek on our last day just as we were gettingready to go back and lorry came along claiming to have seen an anaconda 200 meters down the road so we all going running along (Louise thinking we are running towards an anaconda why?), it wasnt onthe road when we got there but could see its trail so our guide went clambering through the swamps next thing we heard was vamos vamos so we went scrambling down the bank to seee him grabbing hold of the snake swinging it around his head. We were then all allowed to have our pictures taken with it around our necks, it was great.
A boat trip (when i say boat i mean a tin bath with a motor) was great ended swimming in alligator invested water though which wasnt the best idea in the world but luckily we never saw any. That was until the next day when we were pirhana fishing in the water (no boat) and Matt was fishing away when an alligator pops its head out of the water no more than 5ft away. Argh!! Luckily he survived to tell the tale. I was gutted though never caught any pirhanas and Mattonly managed one it was a could job we werent fishing for our supper. That afternoon we went horse riding and they gave Matt the smallest horse in the world it was so funny Louise assumed it would be for her, but no. It was great fun apart from being so achy and the fact that just as we started the heavens opened and we were soaked through.
Overall it was a great few days and sleeping hammocks was great they are so comfy had brilliant nights sleep in them, even though Matt did manage to fall out, very amusing.
Headed down to a small town called Bonito where we hired bikes and when to a local park where you can snorkel in crystal clear lakes with tons & tons of fish.
Now at the the big waterfalls on the border of Brazil & argentina.
Will keep you all updated.
Thanks for your messages
Tatey & Lou xxx
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