Today didn't end up as expected.. After getting a transfer to my hotel and getting checked in early at about 730am, had a shower and slept till 11, went for a walk down the street and ended up not going very far before coming back and sleeping some more haha before meeting up with some people from my tour. I did see some beautiful buildings however but I just wasn't up for braving the city today haha!
I met about 10, 2 brazillians, 6 Aussies and 2 Canadians - they were lovely. But the par was a little difficult cause the hotel had been on public holiday for 3 days there was no change and they didn't appreciate me wanting to pay a €3 drink with €20 haha! After realizing I hadn't eaten in almost 24 hours I ent looking for some food but because of the time differences I hadn't been very hungry
Before going to sleep a huge storm hit and cause of all the sleeping I had done it was difficult to sleep but I did and it was a fairly good start to my trip..
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