OK, so after my adventures with the sharkies, me and soph made our way to Cape Town, were we went on a day tour around the Cape of good Hope and Cape Point (at some point around there the indian and atlantic oceans meet, but the guy proper confused me when he was trying to explain where it was so i took pictures and i guess one of them will have it one haha). I visited Simons Town, and saw all the cute little penguins :) there was tonnes of them everywhere!! we also went on a bike ride around the national park, this was interesting as before this i hadnt been on a bike ride in years. So, as you can imagine, my bum was rather sore for a few days later haha. The morning after our bike ride, we were waiting for the baz bus to pick us up and i sat on a chair and yelped like a dog and it really hurt my bottom and a girl from the U.S came over and said, sorry but have you been on a bike ride? i said yes, and straight away she said i did it too last week and when i saw your face i knew the pain you was in, yessssss im not the only wuss out there :D
Easter weekend we arrived at the drakensburg Mountains, this picture really doesnt do it justice, it was much more beautiful than this. The weather was beautiful, the hostel was absolutely great, so that was a very good weekend!! I found that im not the easiest drunk in the world too as an australian girl who was staying in our dorm was being sick at 4am while i was nice and snug in bed haha. I got burnt this weekend, which sophie was so happy about as she thought it was only her that burnt, but she was annoyed to see that my burn had gone a beautiful shade of brown the day after mwahahaha. Soph gets a tan and when she peels you hear her getting upset shouting at me to stick in back on lol.
Anyway, this is the end of south africa :( which i am very sad about as i have had a great time here (apart from being robbed lol) but yea on to the next place
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