Ok, here is my first blog after being told off by many to get one done.
So the first night in Cairo was, how can i put this.....different! It is manic in this city, people drive over the lanes, stop in the middle of motorways, dont indicate (and before any of you say it, the driving IS worse than mine). They communicate by beeping, which our taxi driver told us, its like a game, that made me feel ever so happy to be here haha. On our first night in cairo we had to get accross the street so as you can imagine if i was not accompanied by my tour leader my platinum holiday insurance would have come in very handy!
Our first day we went to Sakkara to see the first pyramid constructed and... lets just say its definately trial and error! The we were off to see the Great Pyramids at Giza, now thats a pyramid. The one thing our tour guide taught us was too stay with the group, however, when you have 10 egyptians running after you with scarfs, jewellry and ornaments its quite difficult to stay with you group, so after i say no thankyou in their language quite a few times, grumpy tara comes out and then i storm off. One of them asked me if i was indian! what the hell??
That night we had a 13 hour overnight train journey to Aswan, when we checked into our very swanky, if i do say so myself, cruise ship. We then visited the temples of Philae and contrary to what is in Sophie's blog The Mummy was filmed there, shes always doubting how clever i am.
Ok so after quite a busy few days we are up at 2.30am!!!!! to take what i found out was a very long journey to Abu Simbil, absolutely worth it, but it was 44degrees at 8am when we got there, very hot. That afternoon we set sail on our cruise to Luxor stopping at Kom Ombo and Edfu. Our cruise put on a belly dancer one night and then another it was like being a child with lots of games, which i was in the final for and may i add got cheated out of winning :).
After arriving in Luxor, we went on a hot air balloon ride over Luxor, the nile and the valley of the kings, absolutely amazing. Then we set off to see the tombs of all the important rulers of egypt, lets just say mummys arent pretty. We then went to visit karnak and Luxor temples before getting a 10 hour train ride back to Cairo, to find out we had to go on a buss for a further 9 hours to Dahab, i didnt mind, i have travelled from Darwin to Perth, or so i thought. That was until me and Soph had two screaming kids behind us for the entire journey, pulling our hair and kicking our seat. Because of the language barrier we couldnt really do much except stare and give dirty looks to them but that just made them do it more. After travelling for what seemed like days we finally arrived in the beautiful Dahab, which i like, we can eat sleep and relax before continuing on our travells. We climbed Mt Sinai last night, lets just say it was an "experience" that i never want to have again haha.
Ok so in a nutshell, i have absolutely love Egypt! our two tour guides have been amazing! we couldnt have asked for a better group of people to travel with. However, there have been glitches on the way, Sophie's camera deleted all her pictures, then my camera decided to break (thanks dad for lending me yours), sophie's feet swelled up, i have been bitten by tonnes of mosquitos grrrrrr and then Sophie did it she said what else could actually go wrong, well she did it did'nt she, British Airways announced they plan to strike that day and thats who we fly to South Africa with. However, much i hope to all of you suprise i didnt stress (i left all that to Soph haha) and a nice man who works at the flight centre has sorted out a flight that same day for us :)
Hope you all like the blog
love Tara xx
- comments
Zoe Dickinson ahh, i'm so jealous- i told you egypt was amazing! :) dahab is beautiful, and its really close to saudi arabia! :) miss you! xx