What a Weekend! Actually pretty much the last week!
One of my busiest weekends (and then the days following) since I've been back in Perth. It all started with...
Friday night: catching up with friends over a coffee and then
Saturday: waking up nice and early for my cousin's wedding. It was the tea ceremony so there were only family members there. It was a hot morning but a beautiful ceremony. I hadn't seen this family in a long time so everyone had all grown up and looked different. It was nice to see them all. My sister and I didn't attend the reception as we already had plans. My sister and Eric had organised a Beer Appreciation day where we appreciate the taste of beer! So it involved some beer tasting (all Australian beers from microbreweries around the country) and then everyone had to bring a beer inspired dish. I had made a beer and lime grilled chicken which was ok, you couldn't taste the beer much, probably cos I dried out the chicken too much... oops! oh wells.
Then in the evening while sleeping on my sister's couch I get bitten by an annoying mosquito which though it would be fun to bite me on my eyelid. So I wake up the next day to find my quite swollen and barely able to open it. Gotta love those little buzzing pests!
Sunday: did a bit of last minute Australia Day shopping and got myself a yellow Aussie shirt and tattoos and a beach ball. Then at 2pm went to Marie's baby shower. Her kid got spoilt rotten with all the pressies he/she got. It was nice as I got to catch up with my good gym friend Karen, hasn't seen her since before I left in 2008! Then 6.30pm came around and it was Kae's and Quan's engagement party. It was themed Never Never Land but meant you could dress up in any childhood characters from any stories or tv or movies. So I dressed up as Hansel from Hansel and Gretel and had a bag of bread crumbs tied to my shorts and a gingerbread cutout attached to my suspenders. It was fun as everyone dressed up!
Monday: back to the usual work at Curtin and then Movies by Burswood in the evening with the original Science and Engineering Curtin Casuals! (Tundi, Jess and Sophie). We watched Planet 51 which is an animated movie and was good. Very much a kids movie but all in all was good to watch. Just gotta remember to bring pillows next time as our bags didn't quite do us justice.
Tuesday: Aussie Day! Went to Marie's and Kris's place and had a couple of aussie beers while watching an aussie movie(crappy movie though) and then we drove to Matilda Bay and met up with Nat. We splashed a little in the river and took photos and watch the people and families around us. Then we had a good ol' barbie and watched the fireworks. It was quite good I thought, hadn't seen them in a couple of years and for Perth this is the biggest fireworks event of the year! There were lots of colours and didn't variation. It was a beautiful Summer's night for it also, wasn't windy or too cold or too hot, just right! and there were no violence around us, everyone was well behaved but could also be that the area we were in was a very much a family area. Driving back home is always a struggle with huge traffic jams but we managed to go down some other streets and missed the traffic. Oh and yes everyone was decked out in their aussie gear or colours. You couldn't miss the flag, it was everywhere!
Wednesday: Back at work again and having that day off really screwed up my body clock as I kept thinking it was Monday! but I guess it's good cos reality kicks in and then I remember it's Wednesday which is hump day which means the weekend is fast approaching. Anyways after work went to dinner at Raffles for Larry and Janet's going away as they are moving to Sydney for work for a few years. Once again a beautiful night with half price yummo pizzas... what more can I ask for?!?!
Well tomorrow I just have work and nothing else afterwards. Was supposed to go to Body Jam and Body Balance but I have to pack and prepare for the weekend for Gymnastics SA Annual Congress. I will be presenting and doing some workshops about Danish Gymnastics over there so another busy weekend. and to top it all off I have to be at the airport at 4.30am on Friday! what a beauty! NOT! I am definitely going to be exhausted... but hey that's life!
Over and out for now!
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