It's my birthday, it's my birthday!! :) had an awesome day. Went around the cu chi tunnels with the most random guide to date. Favourite phrase of the day "touching in the bonking area" apparently an Australian term for heavy petting. Don't worry checked with Bridgett and Sarah (the two Australian girls) his may have been ever so slightly wrong. Mr Hi was rather funny though if only just for his dead pan delivery.
Went for a bit of retail therapy in the market was very cool except I really don't think the stall owners understand the word no. Got some coffee though and a new bag to carry my money and stuff in.
The final meal in Vietnam was awesome. Channy had put up balloons and even got me a cake. I only slightly went red when everyone sang happy birthday but was totally made up that he'd gone to all that effort and what a last memory of Vietnam.
Well flying out to Bangkok tomorrow so bedtime for us :) xxx
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