I think this may be my favourite city yet, it's just so beautiful. At night it is one of the most amazing sights I have ever seen. There are laterns glowing everywhere its like a disney dream only missing the fairy dust. Must have walked miles today just exploring this wonderful place. The streets are just so cute and you can't help but want to explore. Channy (our tour guide) couldnt take us around because of him not being a vietnamese tour guides poor cambodians (and any other foreign tour guides for that matter) can be arrested and fined for guiding people around so we were let loose on the city guide free . We ended up in Yaly couture for a spot of tailoring I put my order in for a handmade maxi dress that at long last reaches the floor
. Mary finally ordered the dress she's had her eye on for ages. You basically show them the picture of the dress you want and they make it and soooooo cheap too. Well bit more exploring of the town required will update again on our last day here xxx
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