It was soooooo nice having our own room! We were woken a few times from noisy people walking past our window, but other than that it was amazing!
It was hard getting up that day. With no free breakfast and our own room - it was especially hard. We are really tired and craving real food eg vegetables. I was especially struggling. I don't know whether it's because we've been travelling for so long, or if it's because we're on such a tiny budget, or if it's because we're a bit old for this or because we are craving the UK - who knows! But we are flipping tired!
So after eventually getting up and ready, we checked out and got into our car...only to find that it didn't start! Nothing electrical turned on and the back doors wouldn't even open so we figured it was the battery. I was completely lost and had no idea what to do but Garth was great! We went to the local phone box and called our hire company who said they would send assistance out within the hour.
I realised that the hostel manager had let us park in his spot as their car park was full. So I popped out of courtesy to update him. He was very icy and said that it wasn't his space but the owners space who was on the way...(eeeeek) that then made me more worried than about the car? Also and ironically, it was mega sunny and we were working on our tans whilst waiting outside for the road side assistance man. It was a major road and we even saw a crash while we were waiting! One can didn't stop in time at the traffic light queue and went into the back of the car in front!
45 mins after the call Trevor turned up. The whole thing can't have taken more than 15 mins. He checked the radiator, oil then battery. He then checked the car to see of any lights were on - and there weren't. Our battery was so flat that he replaced the battery and was soon on his way. It almost seemed too easy...until I checked his paperwork which said the cost of the battery was $190....we are yet to find out if we pay for that or the hire company...
We then drove down to the Gold Coast. We got a little lost as we only had a sat nav and no map. So we could enter in our final destination - the hostel, but not a via point because the Gold Coast is an area not a specific place. So that was a little hard.
However, we eventually arrived at Surfers Paradise. The sky scrapers were amazingly stylised (all white edges) and the beach was so long! It had squeaky sand and the waves were pretty intense! There were a few surfers but the proximity of the city to the beach was unique.
We drove a bit further through the city before driving down to Byron Bay. We found our hostel easily but quickly drove up to the lighthouse. Our room had two levels (v. Unusual) where the upper level had a double bed and there were 2 sets of bunks downstairs.
So I drove to the lighthouse had Garth had had a head ache. Going up the mountain there was a sigh that said right to the lighthouse. The sun was setting and in my eyes so I was going slowly and indicating right and about to go when a car came from the other direction so I quickly stopped to let them past but they stopped as well. In my moment of confusion with the sun in my eyes, Garth told me it was my right of way, so I went and as I drove away the man in the car behind shouted at me. Garth then said that because I braked so hard, because the guy behind was tail gating he was hit by the car behind. So I then panicked that the guy would come and find me and blame me for the accident (if it happened) do we parked really quickly and walked up to the light house!!!
Once there, it was really beautiful. There was a great hubbub of people and a great view across Byron bay from the light house. We walked to the most Eastern Point of Australia and we saw a WHALE along the way!!! It was quite amazing!! We then took time out from a long day to watch the sun set accords the bay behind the mountains. Was beautiful.
We then went bank to the hostel, ate, showered and managed to get the TV room early and watch the film Ted ( which was a bit pants) and then an Aus TV Show 'MY House Rules' til late.
Went to bed at 11pm but were woken up numerous time by drunken beeps outside only to be privileged to have one of them cone into our room absolutedly reeking of cigarets and alcohol and pass out on the bed...
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