Yo yo yo......!
So the second week of camp is coming to an end and it has been another awesome week! We all changed cabins and got new co-counsellors, one of them I adore and the other two I am tolerating but learning to get on with....the campers are so cute - a couple come across with big attitudes but underneath it they are sweeties and just want cuddles. One of them has a famous director Dad who has done stuff like Hitch...she has amazing stories to tell of all her travels!
Last night was casino night so all the campers get fake money to gamble with and play proper games like blackjack....oh and SPOONS - not so casino but pretty fun to join in with - although i think alcoholic spoons is a but more funny!!
I'm getting to do a lot more dance teaching now...did a whole day yesterday instead of being in the office so i'm a happy bunny! - although quite a tired one...i crazily decided to go to early morning fitness class at 6am so was asleep by 2pm in my cabin whilst i was meant to be supervising my campers oops! But I'm happy to be dancing more and helped choreograph this weeks dance for the showcase tomorow night :-)
Today I was assigned to manicures and pedicures - FUNNY TIMES - listening to american teenage girls conversations about guys and shopping etc. And also a whole of cabin of boys came to get crazy nails for the 80s disco tonight...or maybe they just came to flirt with the other girls...?!!
Yesterday afternoon i got to join in on a philosophy lesson.....interesting stuff....seriously, this camp has EVERYTHING - looking forward to a mass water and shaving cream fight tomorow!!!
Tonight was my night off so we walked to the local town and played on arcade games and had a non-alcoholic drink - someone got fired the other day and loads of others got severely punished for under age drinking so im not gonna risk it - this job is too amazing! Just gonna be a major lightweight when i get back!
Other stuff to look forward to....there is another camp at pali - American Idol....lots of american kids with big ego's! So on Saturday we get to see their showcase with one of the stars from the show performing!......also tonight we were told we could take next week off because its going to be quiet as it coincides with July 4th (big deal here) so i might go see LA or I might just take a couple of days off and laze around on Malibu beach....jealous much...?!! Sorry! But i really deserve some proper time off, we only get two 12 hours slots off a week - during the we just get the chance to sleep without any kiddies in the staff house then straight back to work at 7am - such an intense and tiring job but at the same time very rewarding....little moments like seeing a campers face light up when they try something new or overcome their fear really makes it all worth it!
Tonight i'm going to finish off the night with sleeping under the stars on the porch :-)
Much much love to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Oh and if you're wondering why I changed my name on facebook its because all the counsellors here have to use a camp name and mine was suggested to me by one of the other counsellors - watts....electricity......electra - get it?!! And its just so much easier for people to communicate like that on facebook cos no-one know each others real names!!
Oh and one last thing....if you have time - search 'kpal news' on youtube because every evening at camp they show the 'news' from around the camp which is filmed by campers so you can see what kind of crazy stuff is going on!!
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