Friday 22nd May 2009, Nha Trang
Well we managed to get today a bit wrong. We went to leave the hotel at about 11am and bumped into Kayleigh (from Hanoi) so we had a chat with her before heading to Crazy Kim's for lunch. We had intended in having lunch with the street kids at the school, but we both decided it was a bit expensive and neither of us much fancied noodles. So instead we went to Guava bar for lunch. I had a very nice Chicken BLT sandwich and Caroline a ceaser salad. From here we thought we had better go and do the blog. Well this took us a couple of hours and we later wished we had gone to the beach first. Because typically we had an hour on the beach and then 4pm loomed along with big black clouds!! Today we decided that instead of waiting we would move before the clouds hit our spot. So we headed to Veranda bar for a drink and after about an hour the rain started and it came at just the same speed and heaviness as yesterday. But it was just another bummer that we had moved to early today! We waited for a bit and then decided that it was slowing down a bit and it would be ok to move. Big mistake. We went via a book exchange, and then headed back to the hotel. By the time we got back we both looked like we had entered a wet t-shirt competition and won! Skin tight clothing was in that day! After we had dryed off and showered we headed back out to meet Keith and Natalie for dinner. This time with umbrellas. We had dinner at Red Star were Caroline and I had a Vietnamese Seafood Hotpot. Very nice but I did manage to scold my hand on the broth, which was very painful!! Once we had filled our bellys we went for a couple of drinks at Red Apple bar and we had a few more than intended but then cocktails were on 2-4-1!!!!
Well its actually now tuesday 26th and very frustratinly I did the 3 days that are not here last night but for some daft reason the computer failed to save!! VERY ANGRY SUZIE!! I was not impressed. So here I go again....
Saturday 23rd May 2009, Nha Trang
So today was boat trip day. Four islands in one day with different things to do at each. We were picked up at 08:30 and taken to the port which was about 15 minutes away. Once there we hopped on the boat along with 22 other people. A mixture of English, Irish, German, Vietnamese, Australian and 1 girl from America with Vietnamese routes. Our guide was called Loc or Funky Monkey, he preferred the latter. The 1st Island we stopped at housed an aqarium. To get here we had to pass by VINPEARL Island which is the biggest Island in Nha Trang. It is also home to a five star resort and a very expensive resort at that. There is also a theme park on the island and you can either catch a boat or cable car from the main island to get there. We did neither due to expense and not that bothered either. But the island from the mainland looks very beautiful at night all lit up. Anyway back to the tour. We had about half an hour at the aqarium which was enough. It was interesting but small. also neither Caroline nor myself were impressed with the size of the tanks. Some of these poor fish we so big but the tanks were so small, hardly any room for them to swim around in. Also the turtles were having to wrestle each other just to swim about and move. It seemed very odd to us to put the coral in a tank of thier own when none of the fish tanks had any vegatation at all!! Once back on the boat we then headed to MOT Island for about an hour of snorkelling and swimming. We both loved the snorkelling although the 1st 10 minutes was spent trying to work out how not to get water in our masks and up our noses!! Whilst snorkelling we saw loads of fish in lots of different colours, blue, yellow and striped yellow and black. I also saw a eel shaped fish with a pointy nose! Whilst swimming among the coral looking at the sealife we had been warned about putting our feet and hands on the coral or rocks as they can be quite sharp and dangerous! But this was easier said than done! Its very hard to know how close you are to something whilst in the water especially when its underneath you! Thankfully no blood but Caroline's foot was hurting her for quite a while afterwards!! After snorkelling we had a swim and joined a group in the water for a chat. Our ability to tred water came in very handy here, they all had water rings but we were too late for them!! After about an hour we were called back to the boat and it then surprised us all how far away we were from the boat. The current had not felt strong at all!! So after a fairly rough swim back we all made it safely back aboard!! Our next Island was VUNG NGANG Island, this was lunch stop. The boat was not actually docked on land just slightly away in the middle of the ocean. Our chairs were all very quickly turned into a table and then a wonderful lunch buffet was laid out. This included noodles, rice, fresh prawns, fish, salads and many more things. And then bananas for dessert!! There was so much left over but no one seemed to mind! During lunch 2 more boats pulled up along side us, 1 on either side. Loc joked that we were buisness class and they were economy as their boats were heaving. They had at least double the number we had and they were all locals. But when it came to entertainment time post lunch they all jumped on our boat to join the party. It was great fun, the entertainment consisted of a homemade band. Two of the crew had electric guitars, 1 guy had a tamborine (?spelling) and then there was the drum master. The drum kit was basically made out of kitchen pots with Yamaha painted on. Brilliant! The singing talent came in the form of Loc and 1 other guy. They were actually pretty good. At one point Loc decided it was time for each nation to sing, thanfully when it got to MISS ENGLAND I managed to vito it on to Mr England (the only one on the boat!) as there was no way I was going up there in a bikini and Caroline was somewhere hiding behind me!!! There was alot of dancing (the table now being a dance floor), singing and screaming (from the locals), great fun! After this it was Floating bar time! This was basically a dingy with a man sat in the middle handing out lots of free drink (not really sure what) to us lot all sat in water rings in the sea. The dtink was just flowing and flowing and if you dared to drift away you were ordered back to the bar!! Thankfully it wasn't particularly strong! Whilst at the floating bar we got talking to the American girl, her parents escaped Vietnam during the war to America and although she has always lived there she has routes still in Vietnam. So whilst travelling she had been staying for a bit at her auties house in the countryside. When she had decided to come to Nha Trang her auntie and cousin had insisted on coming with her to look after her. they were worried she would be kidnapped!! She had tried to point out that she was 27 and had been travelling for a while but they were not happy for her to come alone!! She at times is finding it quite difficult adjusting to their culture. Like us she is completly Western so being in a bikini sunning herself is natural. Her auntie was horrified and to the point that as she has got darker they now say she is ugly as her skin is darker than it used to be! Also when in the hotel they had banned the air con as they couldn't stand the smell! Horrendus! After the floating bar we then went to BAI TRANH Island, our final stop, for a bit of sunbathing and swimming. We had an hour here and also got to watch some paragliding. Once back on the boat we were presented with a fruit party. There was so much fruit and so many different types. It was lovely. By now it was nearing 4 pm and guess what? You guessed it the balck clouds were looming. Thankfully we managed to make it back to shore and onto the bus before it started! What a great day, well worth the money!! For dinner we went to Verrandas, they do set meals at really reasonable prices. I had homemade garlic bread, scallops, pork chop on mash, fruit plate and a glass of wine all for under 4 pounds! Caroline had Chicken soup, spring rolls, sea bass, fruit plate and a glass of wine for a very good 4 pound again. This was a treat but still fantastic value!! Afterwards we went to the Sailing Club for drinks with some of the people we had met on the boat. It was a great night although messy for some!! Caroline had her 1st snog of the year here, not that she can remember!! We eventually staggered out of here and into a taxi at about 3am!!! Good night! And good all round day!
Sunday 24th May 2009, Nah Trang
Well this morning was completly non existant due to last nights antics. We eventually dragged oureslves out of bed at about 12pm. After showering we headed to Guava bar for lunch. After this we jumped in a taxi to Thap ba Hot Springs Centre. Its about 5km out of town and we then spent the next 3 hours or so wallowing in mud and hot water mineral baths! Great fun and very relaxing. The iterinery went like this, shower 1st and then sit in the mud for 15 minutes (we spent longer as we were chatting to 2 English girls), once you are covered in mud and satisfied its everywhere bake in the sun for 10 minutes until the mud is dry! The worst part is now, when you have to wash it off and when we say it gets everywhere it really does. Quite hard to wash out of bikinis without flashing!! From here you are then to spend 3-5 minutes in the hydrotherapy jets, I found this quite painful Caroline loved it. After this it was hot bath time for up to 60 minutes. When they say hot they mean it, it was ok to sit in but for any longer than about 10 minutes and we started to feel abit light headed. We all kept getting out and then back in but after about 30 minutes we gave up. Now we went to the swimming pools, these were also hot, 38c in fact. So a little time in here and then the waterfall (also hot) before finally sitting in the cooler jacuzzi! By now it was that time of the day again and yep here came the rain! So what better place to be than in the super hot pool with the rain beating down on our heads. Bliss!! We both came out of here with softer skin and feeling very relaxed. Once back in town and changed we packed and then had dinner at the same place as yesterday (different menus) before having an earlyish night.
Monday 25th May 2009, Nah Trang
Today was departure day. We were picked up at 07:45 by the bus and then sat back and headed to Dalat. For the rest of the day, now please go to the Dalat blog. Bye for now xxx
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