Wednesday 2nd September 2009 Penang-Kuala Lumpur
We left Penang today on the 12:30pm bus and then arrived in Kuala Lumpur at about 5:30pm. After getting to the bus station it was a ten minute walk back to our home in KL. Back Home backpackers-the same place as last time. And it was just as nice as last time.
Now because we have already done KL, this was not to be a sight seeing couple of days. We had decided to return as it was an easy route from here to Singapore and because we thought it would be nice to be somewhere we knew for my birthday.
After we had checked in and drank a few coffees' we headed out for food. We were starving, we hadn't eaten since 9am. Firstly though we went to the bank and shopped for toiletries and then it was food time.
I will not apologise for our next choice!! We were both craving some good old western fast food. So we went to MacDonald's!! It was great!
After food we grabbed a few beers from the shop and then went back to the backpackers, where we chatted to each other and other people, drank some beer and used the internet. Not a late one but not really an early one either. Some people were going out but we decided against it, as we wanted to feel good the next day-aren't we good!!!
Thursday 3rd September 2009, Kuala Lumpur and MY BIRTHDAY!
We got up today about 10am, had some breakfast and opened my birthday card from Caroline. It felt a bit weird only having one card but knowing that facebook and e-mails would be flowing with messages (who am I kidding!! Ha ha) made it better.
We had decided to go to the water park in KL today, as we thought it would be a bit different and a nice thing to do for my birthday. We thought it was just a water park but we found out just before going that it was also a theme park-even better!!
The place was called Sunway Lagoon and as it was a little bit out of the city we caught a taxi there. When we arrived we were amazed, it wasn't just an amusement park it was a whole complex with a hotel as well. To get to the water park you had to walk through this amazing shopping mall, it was very big and very nice! It made us both green with envy at the people shopping, because we couldn't join them-if only we weren't saving the pennies!! So we walked straight through to the water park.
As there was a theme park as well we decided to do this section first so that we weren't riding the rides wet. This thought was reasonable until we went on the Log Flume-it was good but oh my god we were drenched!! Head to Toe wet! The rides we fun although nothing like Alton Towers. We went on the run away train, log flume, water rapids, slides, and the big wheel, among other rides. After this we grabbed some lunch, changed into our bikinis and then hit the water park. There weren't as many rides as we expected but it was great fun nether the less. The slides were good, there was also 2 wave pools and a lazy river. We decided on leaving at about 5pm and after changing we treated ourselves to Starbucks coffee and cake. I had a chocolate noir cake-scrumpy and Caroline had a mini cheesecake-also very yummy!!
We arrived back at the hostel about 6:30pm and the intention had been to get changed straight away and then head out. But as we all know best laid plans never work out that way. We got talking to 2 English lads, Matt and Dave, along with a few others and we chatted and chatted, and then someone bought beers so the showers were delayed even further. We eventually showered at about 8:30pm and then we all had a few beers at the hostel before heading out about 11pm. We couldn't believe how late it had got.
As we hadn't eaten, us, and the 2 lads went for beef noodle soup at one of the Chinese noodle shops and then from there we went to Reggae Bar where we met up with lots of the others from the hostel. We had a great night sipping cocktails, drinking cheap spirits (lady's got a discount) and dancing the night away. I couldn't tell you what time we got home or went to bed but I can tell you that Caroline had a snog with Dave. I find it a little unfair that she got a snog on her birthday and then again on mine!! Good on her though.
Friday 4th September 2009, Kuala Lumpur-Singapore
We had pre booked our tickets to Singapore and the bus left at 11:30am. All I will say is THANK GOD for Malaysian buses!! Their chairs are just like armchairs and we spent most of the long journey asleep!!
See Singapore entry for more.
Goodbye Malaysia, Hello Singapore!!
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