D3: The morning started off with TB squealing her face off at 4am. Yay, I love mommyhood. At least she was happy squealing and not upset. So I was up early relaxing in the room with the 'rents. Jason slept another 3 hours. Like a true woman, that won't be forgotten. Rather, the memory is stored safely for future use. One issue about traveling with infants (or any child for that matter) is not having your normal toys, instruments and gadgets that you have at the house. At home we have bouncers, chairs, swings, the whole gamut. But when you travel and move different locations every three days, it is difficult to carry it all. So we left her bouncer, her chair, and her swing. Even with having four people to take care of TB, it is still desirable at times to be able to put her down. But they don't make travel apparatus's at this age, at least that we could find as she is not yet able to sit up on her own. So Jason got her a camping chair that doesn't fit her. She's too small for it yet out of desperation we put her in it and prop her up with pillows. It works (sort of) but she doesn't always look so comfortable. Photos to follow.
After play time and breakfast, we packed up and headed back to Bangkok Airport to Chiang Mai. Our experience with the regional airline, Bangkok Airway, (advertised as a boutique airline) was impressive. Prior to departure, we were seated outside the gate while people lined up to begin the boarding process. TB was asleep in my arms (never wake a sleeping baby) so we thought we would let the line die down before we boarded. Before we could get up, an attendant came to us and took our stroller to gate check and escorted us to the front of the long line and personally saw us to our seats. TB slept on peacefully. I was so impressed at the courtesy they showed us, presumably because we were a family with an infant. During the 50 minute flight they served a full meal with beverage service, with about 6 flight attendants working. It was impressive. By the way, what is it with Asian airlines always serving seafood on planes? Is this weird to anyone but me? Nevertheless, the shrimp fried rice and fresh fruit looked and smelled delicious. But with the baby in my lap, we didn't get the chance to try it.
On arrival to Chiang Mai, our guide for the next four days (Bami or Bambi, correct name TBD) greeted us. She has a neck tattoo of an Om symbol so we all instantly felt at peace. After driving 40 minutes outside of the city, we arrived at the sanctuary of the Four Seasons Hotel. Along the way we passed long stretches of military bases. There were large pastures filled with horses. Thick horses, not skinny horses. Dad asked why they were all there. Bami/Bambi said they were for the meatery. Oh wow, I did not know they ate horse in these parts. I shrugged. I'll try anything once I figure. Everyone laughed at me. Apparently I had a deaf moment because dad says he's pretty sure Bami/Bambi said they're for the MILITARY. Guess we'll see on that one too. I'll be perusing the menus with more scrutiny while in this city.
The Four Seasons in Chiang Mai is spectacular. Nestled among fields of rice patties at the foot of the mountains, the oasis is a picturesque view of tranquility. Here they have a world-renowned spa, yoga classes, cooking classes, fitness/nature walks, and they have a mascot/ambassador. Yessiree they do. It is a water buffalo and for about $50 you can bathe with it (or bathe on it or bathe it, I'm not clear on what the offer is). Either way, mom said they'd have to pay her a whole hell of a lot more than that to get near the thing.
After arriving to our haven we had a beautiful late lunch overlooking the view (pad thai for me) and retired to our room for an afternoon snooze. The afternoon snooze continued to the evening and the much-needed slumber was had…well kind of. Dad says to me the next morning "you mean you slept from 4:30pm till 5am the next morning"...clearly he has forgotten what having a newborn is like. I may have stayed in bed that long but Jason and I were both up with the squiggle worm every 2 hours. Clearly someone needs to teach that girl how to sleep through the night. Probably didn't help that I fell asleep breastfeeding her, she ate too much, then vomited all over the bed, two different times, in two different places. I was so exhausted I didn't even bother to wipe it up. I just slept in it. Oh the smell of sour milk…
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Ashley (Jason’s favorite cousin) Loving these journal entries, Annie ♥️