There's a bug going around! I think five of us are now sick with a nose/ throat thing... Admittedly, we shared an alcoholic beverage last week that probably did us in. Oh well. So yesterday was very uneventful for me because I woke up and too Benadryl after breakfast, so I slept all day. I got up twice but not for longer than 15 minutes at a time. Today, I felt the same itchy throat and runny nose, but it wasn't any worse. Not feeling well when you are away from your comfort zone is a weird feeling. It's not that I needed my parents to coddle me, but if I were sick at home and alone, I could run to the store and grab the necessities to recover. Here, I couldn't leave the house because everyone else - that wasn't sick- had left that day to do things and you can't travel alone. I got my flight changed to Friday night now, because the other volunteers are going away on Thursday night for the weekend and I would have been solo all weekend. I am mostly looking forward to not having to worry about being alone ever. And carrying a purse again. And not hiding my money in my bra anymore. There's actually a lot I'm looking forward to, however, I did start feeling sad about leaving the kids here. I feel that I've just gotten comfortable with them and know a few of them individually. That's gonna be hard. Maybe not as hard on me as it will be for the ones that can recognize that I'm no longer there. I see kids ask all the time where so-and-so is and it's just sad. I'm also gonna miss the man that runs the UBECI program. He is so incredibly good at his job and he loves what he does and what we do as a program. It's refreshing to be around someone that NEVER complains about their job. Maybe someday I'll find myself back in Quito to help him again.
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