Another brilliant update Ghost Writer - glad you are having such a good time with the lovely S&D. So glad that Sue's infamous haggling is still on top form. Not only tyres (dull but hilarious) but more importantly for foreign tat! I'm just wondering if we should all wear Tshirts with pictures of our local and favourite Asda to the wedding.....wonder if Asda would be up for a bulk order :s. I now remember that my Asda uniform was a particularly delightful small blue and white check nylon affair......that might be quite nice with a blue fascinator at the wedding ;). Sue's mum and dad and my sis and bro in law - hope you have a great weeked sipping a small glass or two of Asda vino collapso - looking forward to seeing photos and a full description when Les & Ro get back. Love to the intrepid travellers by the way xx
Les & Ro
Great blog, I really really wish we could be with you all! I did laugh about Sue and the haggling, and about Dan Mr Calm eating his Oreos - Nuts, that's how it's always been! (Dan remember Shaftesbury and the bread roll?? - for those not in the know, we'd spent hours driving to Shaftesbury, parked in a very expensive car park for an hour to look at the famous Hovis Hill but Dan was so hungry we had to go and eat and missed the hill!!!). Bernadette, we're so excited about visiting you, the weather looks to be better in Glasgow than down here so I'll bring my shorts - and i'll bring my camera to take a photo of the Scottish ASDA!!! See you soon xxx
great bog fab pics. Sue that luggage looks unbalanced dad say`s you need something on your head to balance it up. Belly you are more than welcome to come and visit our Scottish Asda. Ohhhhh what a day we could have Bliss. Chris you missed your vocation. Writer next job. I was right there on the train with you , Look forward to next chapter. See you tomorrow Lesley weather lookin goooood hope it stays that way love to all. me
100 days, how time flies. Reading the ghost blog was awesome and really makes you feel part of your adventure especially then to see the photos too. Nutz you look so cute with the little man cuddling you (bet he didn't stroke your lobes though!!).
S&D you both look so well and relaxed it is obviously good for you. Preparing you both for married life.
Miss you both loads (and you Nutz a little).
Lots of love Helen x
Awesome update Nutts - your skills as a salesman should be expanded to include writing mate! Sue - great haggling skills, will remember that. Dan, lantern floating, question mark, big stick, discuss. More stunning pictures all round - headless buddhas, lanterns, good times.
On to important matters: Marion - coincidences all round, I used to shop at Asda in Totton with my folks when I was a small child. Sue's Mum - perhaps to widen the 'culture net' we can post Scottish Asda photos on this blog (maybe not)? Alternatively I can view for myself when I pop up next year for the wedding...
Belly xx
Les & Ro
Oh we did laugh about the Buddha worshipper cuddling Chris. Chris, we look forward to meeting you but you'll probably be relieved to know I won't rub your belly or kiss your head! Well maybe not.
Great to know there are Scottish ASDA stores and that supplies will be readily available should we run out next weekend, Bernadette. Really looking forward to it.
Loads of love to Sue and Dan, and hope to talk to you soon xxx
Forgot to look at the photos before writing this. Why not just stop and go look you may ask. When you get to my stage in life if you dont complete a task at the time well say no more. No need for supplies Lesley there is an Asda just up the raod. May take photos and send them to Belly just to show a scottish Asda which is exactly the same as an English one ha ha. Blog great Sue I am going to get a little gift for Chris I know the very thing, Will send it to you Chris and we can keep the neighbours talking. Going to look at the photos now Sue Hope you get an Easter Egg we will have to eat yours and Dan`s as they will go out of date. AAhhhhh shame. yummmmm. love mum See you friday lesley.x x x xx
Marion & Colin
Love the fact that Dan had spoon using lessons on the train! Brill! You are both looking great and sounds like you are still having an amazing adventure. Kristina only has 4 more weeks to go and looks somewhat like a Buddha herself - she looks wonderful and we are all very excited. Sun has been shining for ages here and it is lovely. Only 3 more days of school hols - where did that 17 days go??? Belly - guess what - Years and years and years ago I worked guessed it.......Asda in Totton - how about that? Love to all the intrepid travellers xx
Loved your update Chris - very funny especially re Sue & wine intake (sorry Sue). Sounds like you are all having a great time and the end of the blog almost sounds like Chris might stay put and carry on travelling with you guys!!!
Les & Ro
Crazy people. We're looking forward to a visit with John & Bernadette over the Royal Wedding weekend. And talking of teetotal stuff I gave up wine for Lent and am really looking forward to sharing a glass or two - will bring supplies, Bernadette! xx
Some true nuggetts and insights there Nutts. How mad that you bumped into Sue and Dan, if only you had taken a load of supplies with you for them.....oh hang on! Talking of coincidences, Mark if going to Asda can you get me some verruca cream please (saves me going) and a donut? Belly
Mark Mack
Hey guys, blog sounds amazing and in true Nutts fashion is very amusing and informative!! But to not steal Belly's thunder I'm off to Asda to buy the office some cakes, any specific orders?