2 weeks and no blog, I'm getting withdrawal symptoms and will have to abandon my armchair adventurer persona and re-enter the real world again! Hope you're having a great time and managing to get some r 'n' r in too! xx
Jan And Rick
Hi You two . Hope you are OK and having a wonderful time in Oz. We are missing the blogs too and so are all the girls I work with who enjoy catching up on all your adventures. Please update us soon. Lots of love JRJK&J xxx
you guys still alive?
Missing your blog posts.....
Les & Ro
Have a great time together, you four. Not jealous at all (well just a little bit) Hope to catch you all on Skype some time soon xx
Afternoon happy couple. Japan look great, the photos as always look outstanding. Two questions; after the photo on the bike Sue did you pedal off the ramp into the water in a daredevil stylie?! Secondly you mentioned it was very expensive in the land of the rising sun, is that why you put something 'deer' in a later photo? Sign language update please you two there must be plenty more updates especially on the Japanese metro system?! Stay safe, hope the ailments clear up x
Malcolm Jack
Unbelievable. Sounds and looks like you're having a great time! When you get to Japan remember to have Okonomiyaki (especially in Hiroshima - it's tremendously good). All the best, Malcolm
Les & Ro
Hey you two, the Great Wall looks... great! Wonderful pictures - and all those steps! Remember when you booked your trip you were worried about being fit enough for the Inca Trail when you get there? Well, after the Great Wall I should think you've no worries! Carry on having a great time, it was lovely to talk to you on Sunday, and looking forward to talking to you again soon. xx
Your travel blogs are just great to read. Safe traveling in Japan. Ruth
Marion & Colin
Shanghai looks amazing! Love the face slapping ritual bit and your reaction. It's a bit like the "I don't need anger management classes, people just need to stop pissing me off" genre I find myself drawn to! Can't believe you are half way through your trip. Keep safe in Japan and looking forward to the next installment xx
Umm, meat - ironically, looks a bit like Asda's newly installed butcher aisle (it's been a while since I posted a message, sorry)...Looking so well guys and continue to learn a lot from your updates! Belly x
Marion & Colin
Hi Guys - just a quick message on behalf of Kristina & Giles - Spike Jospeh Thomas arrived slightly delayed but beautifully happy on Tuesday 31st May at 2:33 pm weighing in at 7lb 2oz. He's absolutely gorgeous and when you can access FB again you can have a look at him. Mum and baby doing great xxx
Jan And Rick
Hi Dan and Sue. I so love the panda pictures. I dream of seeing pandas but may have to do with a trip to Edinburgh zoo after the wedding! Jake is celebrating his 18th Birthday today. Wish you were here to share it.I can promise that we won't be throwing any octopus or dog's head on the barbie! Take care of each other and enjoy all these incredible experiences . Lots of love RJJK&J xxx