Great photos guys, it all looks amazing! Dan I expect a sepia finish on something soon or I will have to track you down!!!!
Stay cool ha ha!!
Much love Nutts x
Well hello both of you, I love this Blogg thing. What a great way to brighten up my lunch hour on another very miserable grey day in Southampton. You did a great job on sculpting that ice house with the chain saw Sue!! Keep safe. Love Helen x
Simon H
I am sittng in a boring office on a grey miserable day in the UK. I am not jealous honestly. Well maybe just a tiny bit.
So far it looks like an amzing adventure - keep warm!
Les & Ro
Great photos, what a good start to your holiday! Not at all surprised about the heat in the hotel, but am very surprised that the windows open, as usually the Russians seal them for the winter! Enjoy the train, and we'll look forward to some more amazing photos xx
p.s. Charlie has spent one night sleeping on our bed, but is now favouring under Daniel's bed upstairs, behind the drawers full of his stuff!
Mum S
photos great is that a little pink scarf i see round your neck?????
Mum S
photos great is that a little pink scarf i see round your neck?????
Mum S
Great to speak to you both today now that I know you are enjoying yourselves I will get some sleep. Dont drink all the Vodka you know I like a little drpo oh sorry drop must be the vodka. Have a great time love you. Tell Dan to take care of his new glasses. yeh right x x x
Marion & Colin
Just read Moscow calling blog - Kristina mentioned that the heat is always on in the buildings when she went to Moscow so not surprised about that. Hope the train journey is good and that you have stocked up on rations! Perhaps a nip or 2 of Vodka....just to keep the cold out. Enjoy and I'm sure you're taking some amazing photos. Love to you both xx
Hi you two just waiting for you to up grade and give us some news. Hope Moscow not too cold and train nice and warm. Will check and see if you have posted any messages tomorrow. Take care love you mum
T-3 days and counting.... Good times!!!
Have a great time! Don't forget the thermals for the first half and the suncream for the second, it will be amazing! xx
OMG, can't believe how quick it has come around. Sooooo jealous. Look forward to reading your blog and seeing photo's of toilets and cabbage soup!!!