Ah, a sepia finish at last!!! Good work guys. Sorry that you've been turning the water sepia too! I do hope you are both on the mend and that you're able to enjoy your great adventure again. See you in a couple of months amigos x
Les And Ro
Oh you poor little things, hope you are feeling better now, immodium works when you need it but actually you need to let the bugs through! As you probably have... Hope you bump into Chris and Sue in Agra and have a lovely time from now on! Everyone is praying like mad for you loads of love from us all xxxx
Marion & Colin
So hope that you and Dan are both feeling better and that you can continue on your adventure. Chris & Sue are on their way to Agra too so if you are still going there, you may run into them outside the Taj Mahal. The tomb not the Indian Take Away. Anyway thinking of you both and hoping all much better now xx
Lynn Hughes
James Bond would never have ll those troubles!!
Looks like you are having an amazing time, and we are not in the slightest bit jealous back here....
Have fun
Lynn xx
Les & Ro
Well, now you know never to joke about Delhi belly or anything else you don't want to happen! Hope you're both feeling a lot better now and that the train journey was bearable. Dad says at least you're saving money if you're not eating, I'm thinking that you'll enjoy putting the weight back on when you can eat again! Noted that we can expect a large parcel in 6-8 weeks time. Have fun, love you lots xx
Hope you are both on the road to recovery if not the road to rio ha ha. dont suppose it was funny in that hotel room, but again sue you look alright in the photos. Photos are great there will be lots of stories to tell when we see you both again. The same thing happened to Maureen and Craig at the airport. Seems to be par for the course eh. Take care keep well. love you
Really enjoying reading your blog. Sounds like you are having an amazing time. How are you ever going to be able to return to normal life again!
Just,mand & Georgia
Hi guys, found your internet site thing looks amazing. Funny about dan's havin trouble at customs, probably needs a shave.
Ro & Les
Just caught up with your Beijing blog, looks wonderful. Hope you had a good time in Hong Kong and looking forward to hearing about India. (Oh yes and to receiving huge parcel of cold weather gear!) Hairy Houseguest is well and happy, has found that jumping on the bed in the middle of the night and purring in Ro's ear (not mine, yay!) is quite amusing xx
Lesley Moore
Takes a lot for me to look at a screen (TV or PC) after a day at BNYM but think I may get hooked! Sounds like worldwide travel is far more reliable than internal UK flights. Sorry we didn't manage to catch up in Glasgow or Edinburgh before you set off (was dying to meet you Sue!). Continue to have a ball and make us all jealous with your stories and photo's. Lots of love from another Glasgow Girl! xx
Lesley Dan must be thinking of your home in that photo John would`nt fit in that chair. But you two look good like the China photos lovely names for the buildings. Going to rename my house. Any suggestions. Beeee nice now Chicken looked like chicken what more do you want feathers Love you
I haven't looked at the blog for a bit and look what happens.....Dan's got Sphinx(ter) problems, Sue's developed a nasty sweet tooth case and you've both got problems with bogeys....! I am certainly not leaving it so long next time. GOOD TIMES. C x