Loving the blog, been cold here but your -21 makes our -7 positively balmy incomparison. Carry on having a great time and hope you reach somewhere warmer soon! x
hey susan hope you and dan are haveing a good time all over the world (jammie sods !)be back soon so i can stop missin you ! :) so i will see you next year ! omg !missin yous lods (hurry up next year.)see ya love yous xxx
following your travels with much interest - looks fabulous! keep on smilking through the cracked lips!
Can't believe how cold you look in the photos and looks like you need a bit of temperature to heat you up!
Take care and enjoy :-D
Maxine, Stevie and the girls xxxx
Hi there great to talk to you today. Photos look amazing I see the barrels I think I saw them with Michael Pallin does that count? Oh well I am going to the pictures to see the Kings Speech you get Gengus Khan I get Colin Firth who wins? Went to the garage with my car and the chap said I wasnt expecting you till next week. Lucky him I didnt know I was going at all Dad has chosen a new car for me. Still not agreed to change though got to go my lift is here. Love you take care
Marion & Colin
Hey guys - sorry to hear that Sue hasn't been well and hope she is better now and off tea and back on the vodka! Colin has noticed a certain chocolate theme in the photos - wonder why that is! It's great to read all your updates and see the photos almost like being with you....only warmer xx
Hi Guys, your trip sounds fantastic and is bringing back a lot of old memories. Toby and I wonder how the Trans-siberian of 10 years ago compares to the TS of today.....vodka was a must for us in the restaurant car, and we'd love to know if the babushkas on the train platforms are still selling the smoked fish (delicious!). What's the train cabin like & have you met any interesting fellow train passengers? Enjoy Mongolia....love the blog, it put's a big smile on my face. Emma
Paul Mcneill
Looks fantastic Dan. Sorry we didn't get a chance to catch up in Edinburgh before you left on your expedition!
Stay safe, enjoy & God bless
just sent you and dans mum a great long message and it was rejected i dont get any messages on facebook at the moment. I dont know whats going on. What made you ill? You look ok in the photos so thats good. The photos are amazing it looks wonderful. AM going to try and see what is wrong with this machine, caant be my fault can it.
Les & Ro
Irkutsk looks lovely, glad you were able to get off your sick bed Sue and have a look round. Looking forward to talking to you soon xx
p.s. It's 10 degrees here, what's snow??
great photos! what camera you got? sounds like you having a good time. Travel safe on the train. This blog is a great idea
can you send me a message having all sorts of trouble with facebook