Well today we headed off again further south aiming to get to Girona by early afternoon. Still a lot of cloud around but at least some blue sky to start the day. Only just under six hundred kilometers to do today, the blue sky did not last long before the black clouds returned and the rain came down. As we hot closer to Spain the clouds gave way to clear sky and we foolishly thought we had left the rain behind. Oh how wrong we were!! Just as we left Beziers the rain came down so hard and sudden we had to slow from 130 plus klms to 50klms as quick as possible because all visibility was lost. Even when we got to Girona it rained for quite a while Wen the rain eased off we walked down into the old part of the town carrying our umbrellas, however we did not need them as it soon got hot and sunny while we walked around the cathedral, shops and cafes. The clouds returned again but no more rain. When our feet started to complain we took a rest at a street cafe and I had a Mojito while Linda had a Bacardi and coke, chips and aoli for a change!
After some more walking we finally pulled a couple of chairs in a street side cafe for a bit of tapas and a jug or two of Sangria. By 9.00pm we back at the hotel ready to call it a day. Will have to try to get into the Spanish time frame pretty soon.
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