weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey, we got our a levels yday we are all geniuses. woooooooooooooooooooooooo. miss youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. bens birthday tomoro and mine on weds. yay. stay cool brother xxxxxxx
DAD CALLING- otherwise known as the Bank of Dad. You will be pleased to hear that your bank account has now received your tax money, which once the commission had been deducted amounted to a cool £1,030. This means that your balance is £1400. Have a good time, and do not bring any souvenirs or presents home, because they will be tat, and Customs at Gatwick will tear them to bits. Have fun, and come back safe and sound.
Hello Stuart! Its really me - managed to find your message board. Your travels sound so amazing - very envious. I would love to see a condor! The Inca trail is going to be fab. Hope you bring back lots of photos. Uncle James and I have just had a week in the Peak District - your Mum raved on about it so we decided to go too.Not sure the peaks will be up to the Inca Trail buts its really pretty and there are lots of bikers, abseilers, etc. Have invited ourselves to Oxenturn for the w/e so we can exchange photos. Giles is having his tonsills out on the 30th, exam results on Thursday - so posssibly job in Moonlight Movies (local video rental store) will be the answer. I think you will have to write a book on Foods You Have Experienced on your travels. Everyone is full of admiration and envy - keep it up and we will write more soon. The MC family send huge hugs and kisses.
Aunty Lynda xxxxxx
Mum and Dad wont stop going to parties, am trying to hold the line but have been reduced to fleeing to london for the week to scout for flatshares. otherwise things are good. the pugger gets his as level results this week (either wed or thur). Dad is busy enjoying being ill. Got battered on sunday, terrible mistake, followed by three hour tarin journey home. Unfortunate. Pain in head. Fading.
miss you, so does the dog,
P.S. Let us hope Caroline and Laura don't hear about the guinea pig menu - I would keep a low profile if I were you, Mx
Hi Stu, How did the sandboarding go? Every time you describe somewhere you have been I instantly want to see it. Peru sounds amazing. We have Granny home here this w.e. With the onset of August the hot weather disappeared and rain, cold and wind came in. We were meant to be going to a garden party this evening but that was cancelled at 9 a.m. this morning and I have got a DVD out for evenings entertainment around the fire! Looking forward to hearing all your adventures. Love Mum xxxxxxx
If u want my advice Cat Thag if it feels good do it!! I think u would really enjoy SA, I mean for me peru, has been beatiful diverse, cultural and diffrent to me the most important things in a nut shell and im only half through! would do a tour though knowing you... sxxx
Hey Im agetting back on the 11th, wierd or what! 1 month left! I have to say it seems I have left the best till last!! Im gald to hear yr having fun! looking forward to sseing u all again!! sxx
how's it going? read your south american do da, sounds really cool. might have to make a trip out there at some point, with body guards and a bullet proof vest, etc. I still don't have a job and your gap year idea is becoming increasingly appealing to me. I think it may be time to kick back and go travelling, one last adventure c/o the bank of dad. anyhow, hope it's all going well with you and let us all know when you next strike anecdote gold.
wow, just read ur peru thingy update, sounds completletly amazing! how come people dont go out when its late? is it a bit dodge?
went round jamie t's last night and my head now feels like a sqished up rubbish bag. manky ey. wondering what date you get back? because were thinking bout taking a trip up to edinburgland to chill and distill with jammy sometime in sept.
anyway keep us updated as always and er buy a camel or something cool xxxxxxxxxxx
In Chile! Jetlagged! Had no sleep in 3 days this is simply rediculous Im going to go dose myself with some chiliean wine and take a sleep attempting to eat some thing at the same time!!
Hope u enjoyed Snowdonia I always think that around there lake district ect is some of the prettiest parts of our fair isle!ª! I cant say I have seen the frostys ad being in a diffrent country and all, and frankly I find my blog confusing!! Babies sound a bit of a plan, thou u realise w e would have to work out a rota in order to optimise my looking cute with baby time while u deal with womanly chores around the house! Oh I think r be in peru at that point prob be trekking the andy´s about the 20th no accually ill be heading for the bolivian border!! any way ... sxx
Im trying to find time to update but its tough got a few pare days in peru though see if i can get back to date dam its cold here looking forward to the waarmer north I have heard the peruvian coast is a gd 1 stop there a few days! Cant believe yr meeting the kooks lucky!! I wnder what the time diffrence is here??!1 NOrhtern oz has so many ´´barbies´ as u put it im sad to leave!! But lookinf forward to this leg so ha!! s xx
hey stuart! just got back from holiday!!!!uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu very good jajajaj hope all is good with u-i want a catch up...and a postcard....