Baños was a great place to either chill out or seek adventure activities if you so wished....I opted for a relaxing schedule with several walks but mostly recovering from a head cold and all the exercise of the previous weeks. Soon however my feet started to itch from the travellers bug again and it was time to head for the land of the Incas, Peru.
One must understand when it comes to travel in Ecuador that things don´t happen quickly and what I thought would be a day and a half journey ended up as nearly three days. The buses there are like local buses and toot to pedestrians all the journey in hope of filling all seats, aisle space and where ever else they can fit people. So, after days of buses and a smooth border crossing I ended up in Piura, Peru where I was slightly concerned with security after the taxi driver would only accept payment in the hostel and I was advised not to walk 1km during the day to the bus station. Needless to say I got out of there quickly.
The northern coast of Peru is a desert with not much happening until Chiclayo, where the ruins of several ancient cities exist. Here I visited the Museum of the Royal Tombs which houses some amazing mummies, artifacts and reproductions of pyramids and tombs. No photos here but I managed some at the next museum. In Chiclayo I discovered the Combi means of transport, where mini vans slowly load up (squash in) and then head to the destination, also picking up people along the way with the one dude yelling at pedestrians all of the journey.
So, another Combi ride and I reach Tucume and the Adobe mud brick pyramids. Not exactly Giza in Egypt but very impressive non the less and the view from the top gave you a sense of all the activities that would have gone on in such a place. I think these pyramids date back too around 1000AD (ish) but don´t have the guide book with me right now to confirm.
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