Went into old town to have coffee and a bite to eat before packing up and heading off for Rakvere. Roads are surprisingly good here so no dramas driving. Went to castle first so Stephen could get his history fix. Was really good as they had it set up as it was meant to be, with a working smithy, animals in the yard and even a place to try archery. Checked into hotel and then went for a walk. Not very big so had to stop at a bar. Becoming a bad habit this sitting in the afternoon sun and discussing the days events over a few pints (in fact quite a few as had trouble getting going the next day). Tried some local food, fried black bread with garlic dipping sauce. Very nice but glad we both had it as very strong garlic smell and taste. We asked the waitress for some details on the town and she asked where we were from and surprisingly she said she had a visa for Australia and was saving madly to get there.
Stevie is having trouble communicating with the locals as even though they speak quite good English the accent throws them. He is getting a lot of vacant looks following his requests, but maybe it is more the fact that he is too busy drooling over the gorgeous girls and doesn't speak properly. I have decided I feel sorry for them as the local blokes are very ordinary.
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Asty Nagu enamik ve4ikesf5idukite ees, on aeg-ajalt proelebme ve4iksemate kummi vahelkatteplaadi javannituba. Kuid f5ige hoolduse , see probleem vf5ib olla ve4ljendunud . * Update * On uus toode turule nimetatakse Affresh . Takistab lf5hna tekitavaid je4e4tmeid, see tf6f6tab palju paremini kui kloor ja hoiab oma masina puhtana. Vaata toodet ja osta infot siit. Lae kasutamise ja hooldamise juhend arvuti juhiseid.