Steph and Stevens travels!
We left Kuala Lumpur yesterday morning and had a short journey to Melaka. (By the way apparently two girls from our tour saw Rod Stewart having a drink at the hotel next door to our accommodation in Kuala Lumpur! They aren't big fans though and didn't see it as a big deal - sorry dad I would have got his autograph if they had told me he was there!) Anyway we arrived in Melaka and found that we were staying in the wierdest place ever! It was extremely basic with shared facilities and cold showers but it was just bizarre - it had lots of pix of Bob Marley and the garden was full of plastic bottles hanging up with fish in them. The dog was funny though as it was joining in with the prayer call coming from the Mosque across the road. We went for a walk but Steven isn't very well so we went back to the 'hotel'. Later on we went for a bycicle rickshaw tour around the town. The man let Steven have a go at cycling but didn't make it clear where the brake was - it was on the cross-bar not the handle bars). It was very heavy as it is a bike with a side-car (and I was sat in the side car) and he crashed which was funny. Later on it was spotted in the repair shop :S lol! That night Steph went out for a meal with the group for chicken and rice balls (yuk!) but Steven stayed in because he is poorly with a fever and a bad back and neck :( Went to sleep early in our simple accommodation before a 7am start this morning.
Love Steph and Steven xx
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