Steph and Stevens travels!
Went to Pizza Hut Tuesday night and it was really nice, had some cool drinks! We then went out for a few drinks at the sports bar which was nice.
Yesterday it was really hot, 38 degrees. So we spent the morning by the pool. We also fitted in a couple of games of table tennis, Steph is addicted lol, no win yet for her though! After the morning by the pool, Steph has gained a good tan :) and mine is just as good! Went for a bacon sandwich for dinner at a cafe, good milkshakes but the worst bacon sandwich ever, it was a salad sandwich with a hint of bacon inside lol. We sat and watched the sunset on the beach which was very romantic! Went for tea at this restaurant which has just opened again after the bomb late last year. We were their first customers and the funniest man was our waiter. He just came and stood talking to us the whole time mainly about terrorists and women! Went for more drinks after this while watching the highlights of Chelsea lol.
Today we had to check out at 12, but our flight isn't until 12.20 tonight. So we have several hours of roaming the streets to do lol. We will look around all the shops and buy nothing as usual! Steph will get grabbed by every woman trying to get her to have her hair braided or her nails done lol. And I will get called Mr or Boss by every man trying to sell watches! Just before we checked out we played our final game of table tennis. Steph managed to get to match point and winning comfortably, and then blew it lol. Steph is gutted because she never beat me and she deserved to this game, tough luck lol!
More pics from Kuta will appear sometime at the weekend. We will update from Australia!
Love Steven and Stephanie x x
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