Steph's Asia Trip
Went to the most stunning waterfall today - Erawan Falls - was really beautiful - much better than the Timote advert!!And the water was so clean!! And a gorgeous colour blue (because of the calcium carbonate mineral salts) went swimming in it too!! But then i saw a crab and spent a good 10 minutes convincing myself that it would rip one of my legs off, so I had to get out. But it was a really nice day. the scenery around the falls was lovely too. I'll upload the photos when i get to a faster connection (there are millions of them, sorry)
Had to trek up the hillside to see the 7 levels of the waterfall - managed to fall down a flight of stairs on my way down (being the spastic that I am) - fourtunately no-one saw!! Managed to glamourously pick myself up - but i've go the hugest bruise on my bum and arm!! It hurts when i sit down!! Hope it's covered by my bikini otherwise sunbathing on the beach in Ko Tao could be embarassing!! No-one wants to see a bruised bum!!
went there on the bus and met some other travellers - they were cool and when i arrived at the park there were lots of other travellers i already knew from this town and a group of people who were staying at the same guesthouse as me in Bangkok!! Very funny!
Dinner last night was a bit disappointing - went to a place that had rave reviews in the lonely planet guide and also was recommended by a couple of travellers i met - it was ok but nothing amazing - thought i might be being spoilt, but a girl i met yesterday (also called stephanie - from scotland i think (funny accent) - she's very nice) who also appeared at the waterfall said she was disappointed too - made me feel better!
Off to Ko Tao tomorrow - hoping for a quiet sandy beach with cheap cocktails and lots of seafood to try!! Will update the journal soon x
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