As predicted SATURDAY was a longggg day. After i was woken at half 2 in the morning i skyped people, blogged and ate breakky. i then went back upstairs to try and catch some more sleep. i didnt. i lay there until about lunch time when i got up, had my noodles, showered and set off for a mooch. i decided to visist the one and only sight in perth...kings garden. i baught a pie for when i got there and set off. i thort i had the gerneral idea for it but turns out it was much further away than i thort. after being re-directed on the correct path i found myself at the bottom of 245 steep steps. (i counted them!) when i got to the top i nearly had a heart attack! not so much walking up the steps but the 34degs didnt help!! then, after another 5mins waling i found myself at the gardens. they were worth the walk (and near heart attack). there were several view points from up there over looking the whole city and the sea. it was pretty cool. so i sat there and read my book for abit, went and got a drink, walked around the perimiter and then decided that id had enough sun for one day and set off home. i found an alternative route to the steps - a gradual decending hill, a much easier way. i then then got back to the hostel and ... slept! i woke to my alarm going off at 730pm so i got up and got ready again. from there i set off back into the city (still boiling hot) and went to grab some food before heading to the cinema to watch the inbetweeners film. (ill point out this was the first time in aus that i felt scared as as i was walking to the city i saw 2 women in ther 50's id say arguing and then one pick a chair up to throw at the other. they werent normal, off the streets i think but there appearance and langguage was appawling (like my spelling!!) There were better numbers than last time, instead of just me there was ... 12 of us!! it was such an old cinema. there were new cushions on the seats to try, and i enphasise try, to make them comfier and im sure there was someone manually winding the curtain up at the start!! never-the-less it was well worth going. i then came back to the hostel and went to bed.
This morning, sunday, i was woken at 710am, by one of my room mates returning home from his night out. i got up then and had some breakky before showering and going to sit by the pool with my book. it was nice, altho after an hour or so it became fairly overcast. it was still warm but not as nice tho. after a bit i went and got some lunch before going upstairs to pack my bag and grab a siesta. i then arose again and went into the city for some tea before coming back now. early night i think as im up early tomoz and flying to sydney.
Im glad i came to perth as now i can say ve been, but feel that there isnt that much to do here unless you want to spend lots of money on day trips - thats why im heading to sydney again, theres lots to do cheaply, its a cheaper city to stay in and im looking forward to seeing joshua (and gilly and rich...i suppose)!!!!
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