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Developed world, hmmmm
The majority of radio stations are fully cheese-tastic, packed with 'rock' and golden oldies. I think I've heard A-ha's classic 'Take on me' at least 3 times, another oft heard superb tune is Ace of Bases' 'All that she wants', I think the most recent 'modern' stuff I've heard is a single from Coldplay's latest album! To be fair to them Claire has hummed along to some other cheesy tunes, but nothing I'd heard of. It has to be said though, the music has got nothing on the ads... classic jingles like 'Sterling sports! We love our sports! Sterling sports! We love our sports, yeah!!' It has definitely stuck in my head but maybe not for the reasons they'd want!! The owners of estate agents/financial advisors/solicitors/hardware stores and pretty much any business you could care to mention will think nothing of providing a fascinating voiceover on the virtues of why you should choose to use their business, these reasons are very likely to be one of the following:
They've been in the business for a very long time
They love what they do
They don't do anything else
Or a combination of the above
Estate agents back these ads up with really cheesy pics of themselves on For Sale signs, unfortunately and unsurprisingly they don't look any more trustworthy than the UK.
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