Today was another day at the Earth Saviour's Foundation. Today ended the first week of teaching and the start of our weekend. My day started with me forgetting I heard the alarm and waking up with 5 minutes before the cars left for the placement. I threw on some clothes and went to the car park to find the cars just leaving. Luckily enough I caught the last one as it was leaving. We were greeted with many smiley faces and waves from the children at the placement, and many hugs and handshakes. The kids really seem to enjoy our presence, and I personally am thoroughly enjoying spending time with them. The teaching day started with a nice game of class CRICKET! Man they love their cricket. It's a shame though the girls are not allowed to play according to the male children because they are girls... =( My class involves the grade 2 kids along with Nick and Eden. Funnily enough only half the class is ever there, and the kids seem to cycle with each day. I have been finding that ( I assume everyone is feeling the same) that it is actually quite draining both mentally and physically, due to the actual teaching and management of children and their focus, but also the structuring of lessons and lesson planning the night before. We are all feeling what it's like to be an actual teacher and all I can say is poor Mrs Russell!! Everyone is feeling very tired and have been getting into the routine of a midday nap. Trust me, it's amazing.
This afternoon we spent out of the CCS compound in the markets near by. Judy has set in place a new system of venturing off on our own, involving 5 phones and a signing in and out process requiring the signature approval of either Bill or Judy. Also, people must be in a group with minimum 3 people, with each group having a different phone, and also requiring one member of the group to be 18 ( treated as adult in India). The system started today and is working well. We took a Tuk Tuk (three wheel bike taxi thing) to the green park markets where Bill got a facial and a pedicure. LOL.
The dinner for a change consisted of pasta and garlic bread which many people were excited about. Tomorrow we are off to Old Delhi where there are apparently loads of markets and about 1 million people. We'll be lucky to move easily tomorrow.
Hoping everyone is well!
Keep checking the blog and the pictures we are continuously uploading. (Judy has added more to the ones already posted so check them too)
Talk to you soon
Jack. B
- comments
diane breedon trust you jack to nearly miss your ride lol. glad you're having a great time and we all miss you here. have sent you an email as well to brooke too. also posted to facebook india group so hopefully you will get it. can you let me know some way what date you arrive home ?29th. take care luv us xxx
lisa Gallaher Thanks jack, it is very kind of you to blog to us even though you are so tired. I do love to hear the news that you share. Thankyou. Ty you must have been in heaven with the pasta night, LOL Be safe & have fun.
Tracey & Kristan B. Girls can't enjoy the cricket?!! Oh my ... grossly irreverent in our neck of the woods hahaha! Cricket at home: ODI - 1 to Oz. Lovely to read you're having a great time! Love lots, TAK xox