SSC India Tour
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Kolkata, India

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Jack N - EarthSaviours, India

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CCS earth saviour, India

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pushkar, India

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Delhi, India
Alison Thanks for the update! Can't wait to see you tonight and hear all about the trip .. love Mum xxxxx
re: Jack N - EarthSaviours, IndiaLisa gallaher Jack I have enjoyed your blogs on this trip. Thanks for the entertainment. You sound as though you have had a blast. Take care Lisa Gallaher
re: Jack N - EarthSaviours, IndiaLisa gallaher Jack I have enjoyed your blogs on this trip. Thanks for the entertainment. You sound as though you have had a blast. Take care Lisa Gallaher
re: Jack N - EarthSaviours, IndiaLisa gallaher Ty, that is a lovely. Blog. I can hardly wait to hear more of your life changing experience. Sounds as though you loved the whole trip start to Finnish. Mr Firkins, the Goda Foundation & You have all done a wonderful thing in the world over the past 6 weeks, I am proud of you & know that you are proud of yourself as well. Mwaaaa
re: Ty At Earth Saviours, IndiaLisa That is a cute shot Ty. The baby seems to be enjoying your. Company & you his.(hers)
re: January 26, 2011Nicol Wooldridge It sounds like an amazing experience Judy. Now come home so our kids can have you back!!!LOL
re: New Delhi, IndiaNicol Wooldridge Wow you are really experiencing every aspect of India aren't you!!! I hope you are all feeling well again soon. Can't wait to hear all about your adventures when yo get back. xx
re: Delhi, Mex Hospital, Indialisa Gallaher Good grief! what a story. I am sorry to hear that you all had such an ordeal. I am glad that you are up & racing now. I am thinking that this will make a good chapter in the adventure book. take care & be safe
re: Delhi, Mex Hospital, Indiadiane breedon Thx Judy for taking care of them and to Brooke for being a good nurse. Knew the yr 10 placement would come in handy!! Cany wait to see you all on friday. xx
re: Delhi, Mex Hospital, IndiaChris Tracey-Patte Shame about the Delhi belly. So important to wash hands all the time! Sounds as though the kids are rising to the challenge well. Keep well!
re: CCS earth saviour, India- last visited

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Lisa gallaher Jack I have enjoyed your blogs on this trip. Thanks for the entertainment. You sound as though you have had a blast. Take care Lisa Gallaher
Lisa gallaher Jack I have enjoyed your blogs on this trip. Thanks for the entertainment. You sound as though you have had a blast. Take care Lisa Gallaher
Alison Thanks for the update! Can't wait to see you tonight and hear all about the trip .. love Mum xxxxx