Woke up, had breakfast and faffed about sorting out the van to return. We then drove to Petone where we saw the NZ made shop, nothing really took my fancy buy but it was a interesting poke around. We then spent some time on the beach, Alex and Andrew built a sandcastle.
Lunch was in a café called Caffiend.
Then drove to the campervan place and found it pretty quickly. I was surprised we were being given a lift to the hotel given that I had a voucher for a transfer but thought no more about it until we had a call from the transfer people asking where we were.
We arrived at the Novotel at about 3:30 - 4pm and we all flopped. We then popped out for food and found it a challenge to find somewhere open to eat and in the end we gave up on cheap and ended up in Shed 5. Granny would have had kittens about taking them in there.
Girls then had a bath and failed to go to sleep.
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