Up early, not by choice but by baby, 6:30am! Yuk! We decided to get up at this point as there was no chance of getting them back to sleep as they both had been to the window and had announced it was 'Good Morning' time. We spent normal amount of time faffing about getting ready, getting some snacks from breakfast to have later. David had decided he wanted pancakes once during the trip and this was the day so we walked to the I-Hop for a big breakfast in the hope it would reduce costs overall. Alex was mixed about her breakfast, the bacon was all wrong, it was far too crispy, the traditional syrup was far too sweet however pancakes with boysenberry sauce were fab. After breakfast we headed to the parks planning to go to main Disneyland for an hour or so before California Adventure opened however, when we saw the queues and how long they were we decided to skip it. In any case the girls were having great fun playing with the leaves and the letters that there was no need to worry about the wait. We did have a moment we thought we may not get in as early because each day we had our bags checked, we were never sure what for until they found my bottle of Benedryl which is glass. After a short discussion between staff members we were allowed through with it as they both agreed that anti-histamine medication was OK and in fact a good idea to have. As it turned out we ended up being second in one of the queues which was great because it was nice to see the countdown and more than that we were allowed into the plaza at 9:30 and initially we were a little disappointed not to be able to go any further but then we saw the characters where all out. We managed to meet Mickey, Minnie and Pluto. Alex did really well although she was a little concerned about it all. Elizabeth did not like it at all, it was ALL wrong. We then managed to meet Rusty and Lightning McQueen, they both loved this.
Our first walk through the park was lovely as it was so quiet. We made our way to a Bugs Life. It was so quiet we were concerned that it was shut, it wasn't it was open! We managed to go on all the rides.
Ladybirds (2) - Alex loved these but Elizabeth was not so sure
Fliks Flyers (2) - Both girls loved these
Hemlick's Chew Chew train (2) - really good, they went on twice in succession. In fact there was no queue so we were allowed to on.
Cars - Alex really enjoyed these even though she quite often hit the edges and the centre. Elizabeth was far too small although she was desperate to go on.
As we were leaving they played in one of the water parks which was so funny! Elizabeth kept misjudging it and getting caught, Alex with all the know it all attitude of a 4 year old managed to do pretty well until she was caught and then all the fun was over and it was time to leave. I was taken by the toilet signs which had antennae on the gents/ladies picture.
After a Bugs Life we went to the Disney Playhouse show. Alex had a FANTASTIC time, in her words. She was dancing, clapping and joining in. She recognised more of the characters than I thought she would including Handy Manny who would appear to be a lot like Bob the Builder. Elizabeth was not fussed for most of the show until paper leaves dropped from the ceiling and then she had a whale of a time playing with them. After the show both girls had a snack and we watched the High School Musical 3 show in the Sunshine Plaza. Alex watched most of it and then it all became a little too much for her. Although a lot of her preschool friends love HSM I think Alex is still a little too young to get it and also the show was very loud and too much noise upsets her.
After leaving the show we walked through to the fairground area which had very little in the way of rides for the girls however, they both enjoyed playing on SS Rustworthy. David then went to try and have a ride on a roller coaster only to find that it broke down just before he reached the front. While he was doing that the girls and I went on the sea creature carousel. Elizabeth was very unhappy with the idea, Alex enjoyed it. My girls are incompatible in terms of rides.
Time for a break, so we walked to Paradise Pier and grabbed a couple of toddler meals of Mexican rice for the girls and a drink each for us. As always stopping to feed the girls takes ages and I think we were there about an hour. It was a pleasant spot we found so that was nice.
After our break we were refreshed and walked through to the Hollywood area to Monsters Inc at Alex's request. David and I decided to split duties so I took Alex on the ride and David tried to put Elizabeth to sleep. Alex hated the ride, Elizabeth did not sleep ! Success all round I think. David spoke to an older lady while he was sitting down who told him the weather was unseasonably hot.
After a stroll around went into the Sorcerer's workshop which was lovely. Alex was entranced by the screens showing film clips, Elizabeth was amazed by the demo of film making and cooed and was amazed by it.
By the time we had done all of this it was not long before the parade so we bought a Churro to share, a lot of cinnamon in it. Elizabeth then did a major meltdown and then predictably fell asleep not long before the parade.
The parade was fabulous and Alex was entranced and excited to see all the Pixar characters that she recognised. After the parade two tired adults, one knackered child and an out of it baby went to McDonalds for tea. Out of it baby resisted all attempts to wake her up even when they were quite forceful. All of the others ate well before going back to the room for me to pack the bags; Alex to write Alex's diary and David to float about responding to whoever shouted the loudest.
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