Tuesday afternoon was much the same as usual, though I think grade four were a pain. After class we went for a walk to a look out in a different part of the village that looks out over the valley to the mountains. I really hadn't appreciated how breathtaking mountains can be and I am not getting bored of the view at all. We had daal baht for dinner and then headed to bed.
Wednesday we were up and ready to head down to the learning centre. The private school kids were preparing for exams so were doing a lot of revising in Nepali but I spent some time reading with a fifth grader. The way Nepali children are taught English (at least in the government schools anyway) is by each word, not by how each letter sounds so reading can be very slow as they remember each word.
We headed up to school after breakfast and I did second grade at the same time as Feddie did third. We played memory with the vegetables (removing one each time) and they loved it but I also learnt the hard way that you need to stop a game before they get bored! We then tried to move onto colours using the vegetables with some success. I then headed to the child care centre for the last time before I leave. The kids are just so cute and love hanging off you and spinning around and then falling over. Just simple fun and it makes me happy too.
The afternoon and back to fourth grade with brothers and sisters and then doing words which also went well. Again, to enjoy the sun we walked to the football pitch and through the village before library. Feddie had had an idea to make lanterns in library, so for the kids that wanted to, they cut out shapes and then as it was getting dark we put candles inside so they glowed and looked really pretty. The highlight of the day for me however was one of the boys brought his new puppy to the library and I got to cuddle it for about half an hour (cover shot). It is an absolutely adorable little thing and just fell asleep in my arms. It was very nearly coming home with me but I eventually gave it back. After a daal baht dinner we had an early night.
Thursday and my last full day teaching. We went to the learning centre and I carried on reading with the same girl. Hopefully some intensive focus will help her. We went back to breakfast and I started to sort out some of my stuff for packing. Up to school and we did the lessons together. We started vegetables with grade three and then carried on with the colours with grade two. I had prepared a handout and had overestimated their understanding a little but some of the kids started to get it. Lunchtime was packing and sorting out what stuff I can leave behind. It seems strange to really be on the home stretch now and be able to get rid of clothes/stuff I won't be using again.
Fourth grade were really good for a change (my last lesson with them but I don't think that was the reason) and we did lots of doing words and got them to each act them out. Back down to the village and the puppy was back so I got another lovely cuddle before we settled him to sleep on a cushion in the library. I made some flash cards during library time to help the second grade with the colours that hopefully Feddie can use next week. Library was good but also sad as I started to realise it was the last time I would see some of the children. It has only been two weeks but I have got used to and attached to some of them and the routine of it all.
We had showers, finished packing and had dinner and then to celebrate my last night in Bandipur we had rum! We met a couple of other tourists who were visiting Bandipur and polished off a fair amount of rum and coke! We then wandered back to our guest house and bed.
This morning we managed to fit in the learning centre and third grade before having to leave to get the bus to Pokhara. Feddie is coming with me and Clements (another volunteer) was going anyway so we are going to make the most of a weekend in Pokhara before I go trekking. We are now on the bus on our way. I am really looking forward to getting home and it feels like that is getting close now but I am sad to leave Bandipur and the children. Even in the short time I have been there it has started to feel normal since the longest I have been anywhere in the last few months is three nights! It has been a great experience and I am really glad I have done it. I have certainly learnt a lot while doing it, about all kinds of things.
- comments
Pops I am certain you will have made a difference to these children.