We left Yangshuo and transferred to Guilin to catch our last overnight train in China. The train didn't leave until 9.20 but this time the lights didn't go out until 1am, a treat to have no curfew! We had some drinks and chatting, the normal routine and then sleep. We were also treated to a lie in in the morning, not having to be up until 10! We got off the train and then proceeded to the Hong Kong border to sort our passports etc. There were literally signs in the station pointing to Hong Kong!
We got through and sorted in reasonable time, stopped for a lunch/snack break and then got on the metro to Kowloon and our hotel. We arrived at the hotel around 1.30. We again dumped our stuff, had a quick shower (we had been in the same clothes for pretty much 32 hours) and then had a late lunch and orientation walk.
Since some of us were more limited on time in Hong Kong we decided to pick off the main highlights as a group. We caught the metro over to Hong Kong island first and then rode the tram up to Victoria's peak. It is a very steep tram ride and a quite different experience. The views from the top are lovely and we were fortunate with the weather too. We timed it perfectly that dusk was setting as we were at the top so could see the sunset and then the city lights start to come on as well.
We travelled back down on the tram and then caught the star ferry back over to Kowloon giving us another great view of the HK skyline. We assembled by the harbour and waited to see the daily light and laser show of the buildings on the island set to music. Again something quite different to other places. Finally we walked along the avenue of the stars, Hong Kong's version of Hollywood Boulevard and we saw Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan's hand prints.
Since it was our last night on the tour we wanted to get some drinks together so we headed back to the hotel for a quick change and then out to find some bars. We managed to find a couple of places and settled for one called Mr Pub. I am not sure many westerners go there and we quickly made friends with some locals but enjoyed a few drinks there. We then decided to head back to the hotel with our BYO and carried on talking and drinking until the small hours of Saturday morning.
We had agreed to meet up for breakfast before people went their separate ways so once I had finished packing we ate and then I started my goodbyes. A couple of us then went back over to the island primarily to the apple store (free wifi) but also as I was then getting a ferry. I said my final goodbyes and went to the pier to catch the ferry to Discovery Bay. Another Tesco friend lives there with his family.
I managed to find his house (including buses, eek!) and we chatted for a bit before heading to the local park where there was an annual music festival being put on. The performers were all people who live in and around discovery bay so I was expecting some sort of Britain's got talent level but they were really good. Varied types of music but a really good, family friendly atmosphere to the event and all for free. A great community thing.
Discovery Bay is on the same island as the airport so I had brought my bags with me. At about 6pm I left James and Philippa and caught the airport shuttle bus (twice in one day!!) to the airport. After a little bit of navigational issues I checked in and got to the gate in time to utilise the free wifi. I then boarded the first leg of my journey, to Bangkok.
I arrived in Bangkok at 10.30 and needed to make my way to the transit hotel for some sleep (courtesy of the airline as they had changed my flight). It took me forever to first get through the security screening and then actually find the hotel. I was not a happy bunny! Eventually though after some Skype time I finally got to bed, but not sure if I was on China or Thai time.
I had to be up and out of the room for seven this morning so after breakfast I did some more Internet duties before getting my next flight to Kathmandu. I arrived (late) this afternoon around 1.30 and then had fun queuing for my Nepalese visa. Eventually I got through and to my huge delight saw a sign with my name on it! Success! I met my guide, Siam and we travelled to the hotel in the Thamal area. An interesting introduction to Nepal. The journey was ok, similar traffic issues to other countries I have been to recently but what I loved was that there are monkeys and cows wandering around as you would expect to see cats or dogs at home. Brilliant!
We arrived at the hotel and I checked in and had a bit of time to rest and then I met Siam for dinner. Unfortunately I am the only volunteer on this intake so until I get to the project it will be just me and Siam. The next few days are all about learning about Nepal and it's culture and traditions. This started with a traditional Nepali meal which you eat with your hands. I also have started to learn a few words and will have Nepali lessons over the next few days.
I asked Siam lots of questions over dinner and generally started to get a feel for what the next few weeks will be like. I am excited about this but I think it is also going to be a massive challenge in some ways. I am pretty sure the rewards will be worth it though. There may not be another update for a while but I will keep writing and upload when I can. Can't believe I will be home in just over a month.
- comments
Pops Keep going darling. This is the culmination of your trip and will be the pinnacle of your achievement. It will be great and VERY rewarding. We love you and look forward to 8th December. xxoxx
Nicci Home in exactly 30 days, not that I'm counting, whoop, whoop! Xxx