Patty's latest entry
Wellington, New Zealand
Sarah was up at 6 to take pictures of the sunrise which was almost as beautiful as last nights' moonrise. Leisurely breakfast then we packed up to head for Kaikoura. Spent the morning exploring and were able to find 5 geocaches in town and on the peninsula. Neat spots that we would have missed had we not been looking for caches! Lunched at …
sandra thats alot of sheep!!
re: photo from 11 May 2012g eid thanks for the update weather here cool and wet today and the next couple of days.dogs are fine, carly is still coughing and has a lot of here is quiet,miss you guys & love to all g&j
re: Day 18-TranzAlpine RailwayKrista Photo's are awesome!
re: Day 15 - Milford Soundjoyce chocolate milk looks good too - men cooking love it!!
re: photo from 04 May 2012Joyce Do you have enough clothes Patty - it looks cool and you look great!! Am missing you!!
re: Nighttime ninja Patty ready for bedjoyce yum - bet you were all hungry!! Stephen - you look like Dad.
re: photo from 02 May 2012joyce gold rush diggers - you are finding your gold AND diamonds on this trip!!
re: photo from 02 May 2012joyce OH MY
re: photo from 02 May 2012joyce wow looks like snow or is it stone -really interesting
re: photo from 02 May 2012sandra bacon butties sound yummy!
re: Day 17 - Dunedin to Christchurchsandra great shot of you all!
re: photo from 05 May 2012sandra loving the view...and the sheep. perhaps you guys should get some ;)
re: photo from 04 May 2012sandra wow! what an awesome day!
re: Day 15 - Milford SoundJo-Anne WOW< how beautiful
re: photo from 02 May 2012