Hiya everyone, we´re in Puerto la Cruz, north Venezuela. We´ve survived the very long journey all way from Iguazu Falls to here! We´re going to Isla de Margarita in 1 hour by boat. Can´t wait to top up our tanny after being in FRIO for a long time! Seriously, after we bumped into Aman, Semhar and Andre, we felt we are sooooooo ugly! We wanna look fit and capable to pull chicks back in UK! Not long left to see you all, but we are sooo gutted that our superb adventure is soon ending. Emlyn will send his postcard about Argentina asap, perhaps tmw hopefully, also the photos too! xxx
Itchy Feet
Hey you three, you're probably on your way back home but we wanna say we had a BRILLIANT time with you guys at Iguazu. We are still laughing to this day about Aman's pjs and wild antics we have got up to that night. Of course, we are the best dancers you would have ever seen in South America and we are glad to managed bumping into you guys there. You still got the photos we hope?! (We have a few but I am sure you have taken plenty memorable ones *glares at Aman) Looking forward to seeing them and share fond memories, mm! Hope you guys enjoyed the falls despite being hungover! Andre says look after his tee shirt, no problem. Keep us posted on our site about you guys when you get back.
Hugs Semki, Aman and Andre
P.S. By the way, Emlyn did you manage to buy another bottle of that Chile booze you broke that night?!
Seeta :)
Heya! I can't believe that The South America Adventure is nearly over! Anyways, my summer has been really good... Ibiza had been sooo awesome!! Cyprus had been bloody wicked!! Blackpool was the best one I've ever been to, out of three visits to Blackpool!! We got kicked out of the hotel at about 6am, thanks to those obvious noises! :-P There're so many things happening in Blackpool, Matt Gurney did a performance on karaoke! Surprisingly, NO FIGHTS AT ALL! I think we found a cure to prevent violence: Happy Punching! Anyways, I thought I'll let you all including Becks, Jessica etc know that Sannah is having her birthday bash in Walsall on 29th Sept... [Just like the old times... in READING! :-D heh]... Ah! Emlyn & Anthony, this time I'm not gonna cry or throw up.. er.. you know! (Well that's if you remember!)... Bree, I'm gonna behave this time!! Remember at the end & in the morning in Travel Lodge?! God! :-) bye! Xx
Emlyns Mama, you are right on the spot there, we are dreading coming back home but are trying to make the most of the next few days: feel there is so much more to see and do! Especially in Brazil: which is where we are now. Weve had to get a last min flight from San Paulo to Brasilia skipping all the action in between as we found out a bit late in the day that its not possible to change the return flights location (but relief was in that we could change the date to make it back)! Short for time we are now waiting to catch a coach to take us on our final journey back to Venezuela: 33 hours long! So to explore and fully appreciate the amazing things, Brazil hás to offer will have to wait until another time: least Brazil isnt going to disappear overnight, its always there with open arms for us to go back to! Though we dont want to return to reality, normality: brugh, we are missing our friends and family back home, me especially missing the girlie company, my hair straighters and home comforts!!! Hoping to catch a bit of sea and sun before heading back for one or two days (which wont leave me with much of a tan, damn but who cares its been a fantastic experience and who wants to speed up the wrinkling process by baking oneself in the sun!).Keep an eye out for Emlyns account of the events of the past week: coming soon! (one hopes!) Everyone: see you soon!! We are expecting a massive welcome home party with ballons and all the works(!) Look forward to sharing and hearing stories of our summers, backpackers, wild weeks, or romantic breaks!
it's so hard isn't it? everyone is starting to say hey, we want you back, for football, for getting on with uni, or just cos we miss you and want to see you again. And there you are, trying to make time stand still so you can make the most of the last precious days, racing against the clock. Just chill (as Kate would say), make the most of each day (and night, but that you do anyway!), and don't spend any time regretting or anticipating, carpe diem, live for the day, this is the only life we have. Have a great few last days. the return is going to be so hard, readjusting to such different expectations with a different set of people, and all too soon it will seem like a dream, a story book. But it's not. Live it to the full. And cope with the next life "in the present" and the next lot of planning, for October, new year, slotting in with housemates and friends and family again, when it comes, we'll understand. It's just so great that you've done what you have. And when you get back, we'll just look forward to giving you a big quiet hug! (I'm meaning Ant and Bee when I next have a chance of seeing you, Emlyn, well ... on verra bien, depends on the spikiness of the beard, crusty yukkiness of the hair and flavour of the clothes.)
Gauthieer From Belgium :)
quoi de new en Argentina? super? bcp de visites? :-) je veux savoir si votre equipe viendra le 28-30octobre au tournoi de mini foot? je dois savoir merci ;-)
Gauthieeer :)
heyyy embles and anthonyyy ;)
mnt je suis revenu en belgique car je jouais avec l equipe de belgique au mini foot et on a gagne 1ere beglium 2sweden 3suisse 4autriche ;) puis a la soiree etait vraimeeent genial...blabla et on a parle bcp chose pour la new years et tu veux que nous reservons pour vous sur l hotel car maximum 800deafs dans l hotel en autriche!!?
lol c possible pour l annee prochaine en bresil,... mais on verra bien car peut etre europe est ou ...
allleeezz couraage en adventure car bientot vous allez rentre a l ecole lol :-p ciaokes ;-)
hello darlings,how are u all have been keeping up with travels? Chile sounds extremely interesting wit the drivings and the parties! is it easy2 bump in2 deaf ppl around in town? u guys got a girl during one of those house parties? i bet so! lol! emlyn, learn how2 dance. do ur stuff when u're on d dancefloor. a dance is a dance!
was watching northern irelnad vs england! was fabulous match! we irish show the english money isn't football,pride is football! it was a completely joke performance coming from the 'mighty england' as they like2 b called!
i'm just back from work early,my weekend was good. same old same old really. went out clubbing and headed2 house party. was rather difficult heading 2 a house party cuz there was trouble in belfast! possibly the WORST trouble in years! everywhere's wrecked! petrol bombs flying about. fire on the street. a guy in my job was telling me the guys hijacked the bus and crashed it in2 ruesell cellar's (off licisene booze shop) and nicked the lot. lucky them free vodkas all nite eh?
emlyn! u driving? lol...reminded me u saved koala bear's life on kangroo island. severing the jeep out of its way...now a chilian dog.. looks like u're destined2 come across animals path whilst u're driving on the road! canada's moose could b d next animal u could come across or even grizzly bear :p
u lot gonna meet aman and co in brazil? confirm wen u're coming back home? i could see u emlyn and bree in birmingham... will ve hell of a lot2 catch up on. listening 2 all ur stories.cuz d stories i'll be telling u will b bedtime ones :p
Take care.
look after my darling wen u're in brazil
CJ xxxxxx
Hello Emlyn and yours two friends! I hope that you are very well! I see that you want to quickly precipitate for all to visit the cities. because it is very soon that you go gone back to London! ! it will be hard to be accustomed to live afterwards to have lived of the good moments on a journey in America!!
Here the address of the site "new years party in austria in vienne": www.visualbrain.net and http://connect.tickle.com/network.html?id=s-EFqnn_oC9oEJKr
Yes, I am sure of going to Austria! ! I start to prepare this voyage. I think that there will be much the foreign deaf people! ! Génial !!!!!!!
I am always engaged at the institute of the deaf persons !! youppppppi !! In this moment, I prepare a project to celebrate the 150 birthday of the institute of the deaf persons, for the year 2006 in Nantes.
Big kissssssssss of mimi and good travel !!!!!!!!!!!!
Uncle Pete
Hola Emlyn y amigos. Hope you like the Spanish, I started evening classes this week! I am hoping to go back to Honduras next year, great place, interested to see you too would like to go to Central America. Fiona is back playing wheelchair basketball which is great, we thought her shoulder was knackered and she might never play again.
we're now in Buenos Aires, the City of romantic, of tango! it has been a mixed two weeks, since the car accident, which i will explain more in our next postcard, in abt a week time, along with piccies!
Mrs Sinclair! no need to rub in our faces abt the irish fluke win over England! u know that most of the readers are english, so beware.......... :-)
Gauthier! enfin ton message!! tu aime faire le cou, attendre longtemps avant de mettre un message, hein! :-) tu dis Angleterre sera sur de barrage, mais non, angleterre sera 1er, si ils gagnent contre Pologne et Autriche (angleterre sera ici! :-) ) tu dis tu reve aller en amerique du sud? pourquoi pas l'annee prochaine??! je pense sure retour sur Bresil l'annee prochaine, puis aller nord vers Amerique central (costa rica, honduras, panama, guatamela, mexico, cuba, jamaica, etc!) si tu veux, alors on devra discuter bientot sur ca! mais je te connais, tres passereux! :-) tu dis pas bcp photos de nanas sur ce site? mais enfin, tu crois qu'on mettra des photos ici pour montrer a nos parents, et autre personnes?! mais t'as raison, on a pas eu bcp de nanas, car on bouge tout le temps de place a place, et aussi il y a pas beaucoup de backpackers jeunes, mais bcp de backpackers hommes, car Sud d'Amerique est plus mieux et moins dangereux pour les hommes que femmes... Maximo! merci pour ton message! je peux comprendre comment tu sens en belgique, apres plusieurs mois en Australie! helas, c'est la vie! ton site d'australie etait tres genial a lire, tres informative et belle photos! vous etes tres courageux, a chercher du travail partout! helas pour ta surdite et ton manque d'anglais que c'etait difficile a trouver du travail...
Mr Bast-cock! wow, ur life seem to go downhill now, since working at a high job, at an investment bank! :-) ur money situation will never be at a low anymore, as u could always find some money lying around ur work place! :-) Sheffield will probably feel empty without u this year, we four probably wont feel used not to c u around the bar, eyeing up "okay-ish" babes! :-) but, we deffo will find someone else to replace ya! come and visit us anytime when u get bored of the gloomy expensive city of London!
the end of our travels is approaching at an unbelievable fast pace, that is so annoying to have to think abt it almost everyday, preparing for another fresh year at uni at same time! like i said to Gauthier, i am very likely to come back to travel properly in Brazil, and other countries in Central America next summer!
Off to visit the Big Ben look-alike now!
Embles xxxxx
PS: i am expecting some people i know very well, who hasnt yet to post a message on this website, especially someone from London, u know who u are... :-)
Take care xxxxxxxx
I KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Was disappointed with Rep of Ireland`s match. Emlyn teased me like hell, but suddenly when I saw the results, I screamed in front of Irish people in Irish pub. They didn`t know and told them "England lost" They joined my club afterwards. Emlyn couldn`t believe it! Wishing I was there in Windsor Park to celebrate with my fellow country-people! Bonjour mes amis Gauthier et David! Gauthier, quand vous étiez en Australie pour 7 mois, vous avez le gaspillage d'occasion a recevoir des belle nanas. Parce que vous avez une petite amie, SANDY! J'ai des secrets avec des filles parce que ma famille est observe notre website!!!!! Ainsi vous devez attende Emlyn quand il reviennent en la Belgium! David, mon dieu! Tu es tres tres brave a dire tes choses prive sur tes nanas. Si, tu es ennuyer de Belgium, venez a England s'il vous plait! ll y a beaucoup beaucoup de nanas pour tu!!!! Avec la policia est tres tres mauvais idee amen! Antx