Craig + Merles Round The World Trip
Pretty much did nothing today. We didn't get up til about 11.30, thought we needed the lie in.
Thought we'd spend today just milling around doing nothing. We ended up walking a fair distance up the street near us called Sukhumvit Road. There's a brilliant shopping centre there called the Emporium. It's massive. At my count, it had 10 floors, and preety much everything was Gucci, Prada, Luis Vutton etc...Despite popular belief, I reckon it was wither the same price as back home, and if not it was more expensive. I know for sure that Birkenstock sandals are more expensive. We wandered about for ages, then ended up oing to the cinema there.
Before the film started, everybody stood up. I wondered what was going on. Turns out before every film, concert etc. everybody stands up to pay homage to the king. Didn't know whether to stand up to fit in or if it may be rude to stand up as I'm not from that culture! Seeing as a notice came up in English to do so, I plumped for the standing up. (Merle knew it was coming though)
Since then, we've just had tea (I got cinfused and left a massive tip, well, massive by their standards) and watched the world cup.
The hostel we're in is ran by an Aussie, so a lot of his mates were round, but a heap af Japanese folk were here too. They were robbed!
Anywhow, that's our day today. Tomorrow is a trip to look for markets where we can pick up fake goods and stuff. Requests on a SAE........
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