Hi Folks. I've had a few complaints about the lack of photos and blogs recently, so I'm here to put things right (if only very briefly). Since my last entry, we haven't done too much. We finished work in Cairns and took a week off before heading to Townsville. We were hoping to get our tax back, but that might not happen now. Fingers crossed though.
Our train to Cairns was meant to leave at 8.35 in the morning on Wednsesday. It ended up being delayed by almost 6 hours due to a truck that had crashed further up the track. they had to get a crane in and fix the tracks. Even though Townsville is only 350km (200 miles roughly) away, it still took 7 hours on the train! Cars were overtaking us all over the place. Very frustrating. We did get a free lunch and hot drink because of the waith though.
Merles mums cousin Laura picked us up. We spent most of the night chatting. Over the next couple of days we've been up Castle hill, been to the aquarium, seen all the shopping centres and went to a wee place called Paluma. We also had lunch at the beach today. I've been having a swim in the pool every day. Trying to lose the weight I've put on since leaving home. That's right, I'm a backpacker, but I've managed to put on weight. Don't know how!
Anyways, that's about the long and short of it. We're off to Sydney on Sunday, then Melbourne the Sunday after. We're staying at the hostel in Melbourne that hosts the "Meet the Stars of Neighbours" nights, so that should be funny. Hope I meet Harold Bishop!
Over and Out
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