Hey, well its back to me as Erin is re-packing her bag for the 20th time!!! Im getting the impression she is a bit sick of living out of backpack.
So from Melbourne we went to Syndey, where we were celebrating my 21st Birthday!!! ;)
We checked into Wake Up which was party central and stayed there for the next 6 nights. Fortunately we had been given the biggest room in the hostel, with some great people.
On our first day we walked around Darling Harbour but unfortunately the weather wasnt quite as nice as it had been in Melbourne and it began to chuck it down. Luckily it cleared up so we ventured to Circular Quay to see the Opera House and Harbour Bridge. Erin and I were taken a back by this amazing scenery and landmark. Nath on the otherhand had already been to Sydney with Pete but obviously liked it so much he wanted to come back for more and was now mine and Erin's tour guide!
The next day we got the tube to Bondi to see the world famous beach. Yep we were impressed with it, Erin and I were particularly liking the fit surfers dudes. :) Luckily we had picked a good day to go as it was scorching and poor Erin was suffering yet again!That night everyone from our room decided to hit a few of the local bars, finishing in Side Bar, which is the hostel bar, all had a good night and for once we we quite sober.
The next day was my 21st and Nath and Erin had warned me they had many surprises planned, which knowing those two troubles i knew it was going to be a day to remember! For my birthday we all climbed the Harbour Bridge which was a truly amazing experience. We thought it was going to be knackering and quite scary but it was the complete opposite. The best bit of all was when the tour guide arranged for 25 of the group members to sing Happy Birthday at the top of the Bridge, i was really touched and this made it an extra special Birthday which i will definately never forget.
That evening came part two of the surprises from Erin and Nath. The 3 of us went out for a lovely Thai meal and then they had arranged for our friends from Adelaide and also Sue and Marilyn to come out later that evening to celebrate with us. First of all Nath and Erin presented me with a yummy birthday cake in the middle of Side Bar, followed by a traditional Aussie hat, complete with corks, also other Aussie souvenirs but the best present of all was a homemade t-shirt which listed a number of challenges i had to complete that night. Some of which involved kissing 27 men, not quite sure where the number 27 came from!?! ;) , kiss every nationality of man under the sun, do a jagerbomb, a shot and get 10 guys phone numbers.
So we all headed to World Bar in Kings Cross to start the drinking fun. I started off well with the challenges but after a short while the shots, jagerbomb and 6 glasses of red wine started to kick in and that was me hammered and game over. Yes you guessed it couldnt even stand up, let alone try and get a number or kiss a guy. We all had a fantastic night and it really was the best birthday ever. Sadly i cant rememeber much of the night but Erin and Nath keep reminding of certain things! lol
The next day was a bit of write off as we ALL had pretty bad hangovers and it also was time to say farewell to our little bro, or my boyfriend as EVERY guy thought he was and he was flying off to New Zealand to start a month on the kiwi experience.
The last day in Sydney Erin and I got the ferry over to Manly with some our friends and spent the day on the beach - no its not as nice as Bondi, as a lot of people seem to think! That evening we caught the overnight (13 hour) Greyhound to Byron with one of our friend, a place we had really been looking forward to as everyone raved about it.
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