Well well well...what do we have here. Sophie's last day in the wonderful land of Canada.
I pretty much dont know what to say to tell you the truth, its been a wonderfully wonderful 3 and a bit months, I have seen snow, sunshine, rivers, lakes, family, friends. I have worked in vancouver, relaxed in ontario and shopped in montreal; seen stevie and sasquatch, have slept in houses and the most beautiful cottage and hotels and hostels and camped. And lots of squirrels and chipmunks (no grizzly's though.)
I am just so very glad that Jack came up with the idea to do this Canada thing as the first part of my trip, I only wish I had been genius enough to come up with it myself, but am ofcourse very glad I went through with this planeroo. Its been the best thing for me I think, and has prepared me in certain ways for the months to come, for the craziness and the fun and the sheer beauty that I am about to witness in europe and japan.
Tonight we are making a special din dins for my last night here, and the eve of me and nina's new york adventure. I am extremely, very, tres, molto, SOOOOOO excited for nyc, it's one of those love-even-before-first-sight relationships that I have with that city.
A few days ago was a very happy Sophie moment, when I got to see my uncle Andy, who I havent seen in about 6 years, back when I was a skinny weird ugly 12 year old with bad fashion. It was great meeting his girlfriend Jeanette and her daughter Connor, who I hope will come to Australia for a visit with him soon. We had a big party bbq thing the first night they arrived, with about 20 odd people from around the place, and it was a lovely and lively night, complete with singing around the campfire (luckily not mine).
I will miss Cathey, Mark, Nina and Luke very much, now that I am leaving I realise how at home I feel with them all now, this is like a home away from home and I have really enjoyed getting to know them all in a new way, one which I will treasure.
Ok now I'm getting a little too Oprah, so will end with the official sophialoren really-good-books-I-have-read-while-at-the-cottage selection, read while drinking either coffee, hot water (yes mum, you have converted me), earl grey or orange pekoe tea:
Naked - David Sedaris
Dress Your Family in Cordaroy and Denim - David Sedaris
On Chesil Beach - Ian McKewan
Jarhead -Anthony Swoffard
What's Left Us Alison something
Europe From a Backpack - Some random people
A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius - Dave Eggers
au revoir canada, i will never forget youuuuuuuu! (and willl be back very soon i am sure)
BYEEEE see you in NYC my friends... x
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