Hi Everyone,
Thanks for all your messages, really nice to read!
We had such a nice day yesterday (sunday) starting off with a full english, pancakes and fruit in the hotel and we got a discount because it was two men serving
Helen then picked us up from the hotel and on the way back to hers she gave us a quick tour of the area, after a bad start in Perth we managed to see some beautiful scenery and no aboriginal girls! We went through Kings Park, saw a really nice view overlooking the city of Perth, we then past a harbour and Soph got to see some boats, which she loved! We met all of Helen's five daughters at her house and Mary and Lester, one daughter in particular was very friendly (and a bit Mel Cooperish).
We then went to a lovely food shop, which sold fresh fruit, veg and lots of different fish. Later in the afternoon we went to Helen's cousin Jamie's for lunch and met lots more of the family who were all very welcoming and excited to see us. We also saw Jim and Audrey. We had a lovely lunch of freshly caught crayfish and huge bowl of fruit salad. We gave them our bottle of champers and they opened it straight away. Tanya (another member of the family) said she would take us out on her boat next week to catch some crayfish and her son Matt would teach us how to surf and take us out to a few bars in Perth!
We then went back to Helen's for a swim in her pool, a bit of sunbathing and being filled in on more Australian facts!! We had a lovely dinner again, Soph helped make a guacamole dip, which was fruit, meats, dips and crisps. After dinner we had an early night as we were both cream crackered, Soph couldn't breathe and Em couldn't speak because of our colds, so we resigned to bed. Had a bit of a trauma before we got into bed though because Dennis went missing... only later to be discovered the familys dog had run off with it, much to Em's distress (but don't panic he was located on the kitchen table!)
We woke up at one in the morning and then again at six, so haven't mastered a full nights sleep yet! Today (monday) we left Helen's after some vegemite on toast, which we've taken a shine to, and then drove to Mary and Lester's house in Quairading, which was about a 2 and a half hour drive. The drive was nice, going through some lovely scenery but not many houses - mainly desert and trees! The house is very sweet, reminds us of the Little House On The Prarie, as there are no houses for miles. It's on a farm which is 2000 acers and apparently that is small! They have 3 Alpacas, called Sara, Bella and Boy, which are cute but funny animals. The weather here is still very hot but very windy - don't think Soph will be wearing the rara skirt again tommorow! Just had a nice lunch with Mary and Lester and think Lester is now going to take us into the town, which i think consists of a couple of dogs, a pub and one shop!!
We will let you know what the town is like tommorow, but don't hold your breath on this one! Speak to you all soon, keep in touch.
Lots of love, Soph and Em x x x
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