Chill i Sydamerika
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La Paz, Bolivia

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Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia

New blog entry posted
Sucre, Bolivia

New blog entry posted
Sucre, Bolivia

New album created
San Pedro de Atacama, Chile
Vanessa Sofie my dear friend and I...miss u! U re welcome anytime. Kisses
re: photo from 16 February 2010Vanessa My authentic Ipanema´s girls ;P Se cuidem gatinhas rsrsrs :D
re: photo from 23 February 2010Vanessa The cops were afraid of take this picture do you remember this girls? Sophie had to speak in danish before to prove she was a gringa hahahaha....very good remembrances!
re: photo from 23 February 2010Vanessa Missing you girls. Come and lets have fun. How are you Sophie? Kisses :*
re: photo from 23 February 2010Vanessa My pretty cousin and I at Ipanema beach... I miss you Sandra and I hope you will visit me here. Sorry for the last time. Tell me the news about yr trip now and news adventures. Kisses and love, Van
re: photo from 23 February 2010- last visited

- travel plan
- Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
- Ilha Grande, Brazil
- Angra Dos Reis, Brazil
- Paraty, Brazil
Ole Fantastisk.