Hej hej,
Nu ar vi antligen har! I Nya Zeeland! Kom sent igar kvall, planet va en halvtimme forsenat, men resan tog bara lite over 2 timmar. Forresten, maste bara saga att vi alskar Qantas! Som sagt flyget tog bara 2 timmar men vi fick anda mat, spaghetti bolognese eller kyckling, vi valde bada kyckling (jattegott), plus sallad, en liten chokladbit, vatten och te eller kaffe OCH en liten flaska vin :) Senblev det glass till efterratt. Och dom visade en film och man behover itne betala for horlurarna. Underbart! Hur ska vi kunna flyga med Ryanair igen efter det har?
Naja, Tog ratt sa lang tid att ta sig till vandrarhemmet, det var namligen Coca Cola Xmas in the Park, och vi bor ju saklart brevid den parken och det var ratt mycket folk, men vi kom dit tillslut.
Georgia Parkside ar helt ok, fint hus och sa och rummet ar stort, men ingen TV (Andrew va lite deppad over det) och det finns inget las till badrummet! I badrummet finns det 2 toaletter (som gar att lasa) och 2 duschar, som bara har draperier. Sa det var ju mindre roligt.
Idag har vi kollat runt lite och kopt SIM kort, om nan vill ha numret ar det bara att maila.
We are finally here! In Auckland, New Zealand!
Got here late last night, the plane was about 30 min late, but the journey itself only took just over 2 hours. We have to say that we love Qantas! The flight was only 2 hours but we got food (spaghetti bolognese or chicken, we both had chicken), with a side salad, tea or coffee and water and a piece of chocolate and a bread roll AND we had wine! AND we got ice cream for dessert! And they showed a movie. How are we ever gonna use Ryanair again?
Everything went well at the airport, but it took quite a while to get to the hostel. Apparntly there was Coca Cola Xmas in the Park and of course we live next to the park, so it was full of people. But we got here, just before midnight. The place is ok, the room is big and the bed soft, very nice but it doesn't have a TV (which Andrew's gutted about) and the bathroom doesn't have a lock! The bathroom contains of 2 toilets (which have locks) and 2 showers which only have a drape, so that wasn't much fun.
Gonna go and have lunch now. But we've got a SIM card now, if you want the number just let us know!
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