Saturday 29th Sept
We went back to the Greyhound station to book our next stop to San Francisco (Bakersfield). While we were walking to the bus station, there was a Harley Davidson Bikes Festival going on. Had a look around, Daniel was so keen to see all the bikes, when I wanted to get a move on to look around on the strip that we didn't see last night.
Took a bus to take us to the beginning of the strip. It was fun looking at the different places such as a fake "New York, Paris, Venice, Epygt" In one casino, they had lion cubs habitat. Lisa felt sorry for them but they did look as they were being well looked after and enjoying themselves!
We walked on the strip and seeing everything from 10am to 6pm! We actually managed to see everything. Personally we did enjoy Las Vegas. Yes they are tacky but lots of fun. So many things to see. They live the place up for sure! You can see all the gambling machines in every single place, even in the petrol station! But on the bad side of Las Vegas, there were quite alot of homeless people begging for money. We were wondering if the cause was cos of the gambling.
Tomorrow, off to catch a bus to Bakersfield to catch a train to San Francisco.
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