Well, what a party! On Saturday, July 28th, Jessica Kornelsen (Tim's niece) married Joshua Derksen (a hunter-gatherer fellow with a lot of hair). The wedding was lovely and the reception deliciously fun. We were together again with Tim's mom and all five of his sisters (and their hubbies of course). It's the fanciest we've been for an entire year! In fact, even Naomi was in a dress (a phenomenon that hasn't come to pass in over 5 years!). We took Luc (one of our other Smith kids) to the wedding with us - a great moral support for Eli and he evened out the dance partners. Emma, Tim's great-niece, came with Grandma Smith as well and stayed with us in Onoway. It was her first visit to Canada and you just can't come all the way to Edmonton without riding the Mind Bender in the West Edmonton Mall...
We are in Whitecourt now at Darrell and Betty Kornelsen's home, still with Mom Smith, all her girls and of course her baby boy. Those who have travelled to the wedding will take their time exploring the beauty of Jasper and Banff together before returning to their various locations in the States. Those who have travelled the continent and have already seen the beauty of Jasper and Banff are eager to go those last 300 miles home!
- comments
AMy Thanks for taking good care of Emma and showing her a good time at the Edmonton Mall. I know she loved it!
Bernice so close to home!!