dear all,
sorry for my lack of banter - I am now a call centre robot!! I have been moved up a level and am now accepting inbound calls which i suppose is something. melbourne is hotting up although it is still a bit like four seasons in one day (crowded house wrote that song about melbourne). I've been on a bit of a downer - probably because i havent had any christmas scampy fun yet. I am going to my friend fees house for christmas BBQ and then the beach for a bit of a party. I am making everyone dress up as santa - I love dressing up!! met paul last week and he seems well, he is going up to brisbane for christmas. the next time I see him it will be his wedding day!!! Christmas cards are winging there way to you any day now - i apologise in advance for their 'organic style'!!
Im learning new aussie words - I can see 'sweaty' '26' 'aw yeah' and 'message' in an aussie accent - not really enough to put a sentence together yet but i'm getting there.
Last week i went to a drum and base (not my thing) night with friends and we ended up getting invited to this really famous djshotel for champagne ( i havent heard of him but that is because i dont really know anything about drum and base!). the next day we had people round in the afternoon and potttered about. Michaels aunty brought me the most amazing hamper!! It has absolut vodka, wine, cereal, jam, biscuits, crisps, nuts,chocolate, christmas cake shower gel and lots more in it - i am sooo grateful to her, she is really lovely.
Sunday me sholah and fee had a fishy feast - yum yum. Our new neighbours also arrived on sunday, two irish boys.
Apart from that there is not much else to say at the moment. Mum did my christmas cards arrive? could you ask hasel hasselhoff to email me? i need to chat to her.
Moving on to sydney next week - scary biscuits.
love to all - i want to hear all your christmas scandal!!!!!!!
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